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My poor lovely ppl. I finally 'updated'

I have no idea about chapter name...and i put hobi bc I love him sm


"I don't like that."
"What about this?"
"No way!"
"That's it. I tried."
"Jiminie! Where are u going?"
"I give up." Younger boy throw the clothes at the older boy and crossed his arms.

"Such a baby." Hoseok murmured and took the black polo shirt from the floor. "I'll just go with causual." He whispered.

Jimin was in his own universe smiling at his phone. Hoseok sigh. He promised not to show the younger boy how he really feel about him being in a relationship.

"Hyung. You'll do great. Stop spacing out." Jimin saw that his hyung is acting strange. Hoseok smiled as always. "I am nervous, that's normal. It's my dream job."

Hoseok finally got a call from famous dance group for audition. And Jimin is not helping him at all.

Younger boy started laughing like crazy, Hoseok knew, it's probablly Jungkook.

"Hyung! Jungkook is such a meme. I never knew he had this side of him too."


He went to get dressed and left Jimin alone in his room.
He never knew this will hurt this much. Jimin was really important to him, but he can't have him. Still his heart is stronger than his brain.
Hoseok will never give up from the younger.

When he got dressed and put on his favourite parfume and guess what, Jimin gave it to him on his birthday Hoseok walked back to his room he didn't liked the atmosfere.

Jimin had Hoseok's phone in his hand and confused look on his face.
"What are you doing with my phone?"

"Your mom called." Jimin answered and Hoseok knew he's fucked up.
"Hyung, why does your mom think I'm girl. And you lied that we're dating."

Hoseok was quiet. What is he suposed to say?

That he was giving his sick mother only hope by lying ge's in happy relationship and that he will gave her grandchildren before she died?
He will lost Jimin. And he still don't know what to say?

"That's weird. Why were you lying?"

"Wanna know the truth? Even I know I will lose you. I'll tell you."

Younger boy patted the place on bed next to him.
Hoseok sat down and bit his lip.

"Before I start I need you to know that I really am sorry."


Jungkook was pissed. He already hated Hoseok for being really close to Jimin but this was too much.

"Hyung I think you should stop hanging out with him."

Jimin loved Hoseok, he knew him for a long time and after he told him about the story he told to his mom, he was angry and he freaked out, at the end he made older boy cry, but still he understand, Jimin know Hoseok like him but the way Jungkook reacted made Jimin realize that he have a boyfriend and he decided to stop hanging out with Hoseok alone.

"Kookie, I'm sorry. I will be with him only when someone else is with us."

"I still don't like it." Younger boy shook his head.
He lay down on his bed and sigh. If that Hoseok guy was here Jungkook would probablly kill him.
He was angry but at the other hand Jimin was so calm it make him calm too.

"You are my boyfriend. And you need to stop other relationship's with other guys." Jungkook said and Jimin moved  closer to him.

He watched him laying down with his eyes closed and his hair messed up, he loved how younger boy looked so normal and yet so beautiful.

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