Deal with ex lover

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Are you surprised I updated?
Because I am.



"I'm glad you decided to meet up." Zico spoke to Jungkook.

"I...uhm yeah. I was on my way home." Younger boy spoke and looked around the dark alley.

"Why are we here?" He asked, his voice was almost a whisper.

"You see...." Zico start and Jungkook rememberd Jimin's words. "I need you to do few deliveries for me."

"Deliveries? But...w-why?"

Zico snorted and shook his head, he looked at Jungkook.

"I can see you're new. Listen until you gave back my money you need to do whatever I want."

Younger boy stepped back, he know he fucked up. All he can do is hope he won't get caught.

Zico gave him four little packets and told him to put inside his backpack and not to show anyone. He also gave him a paper with 4 different names and adresses.


"I will see you tomorrow hyung." Jungkook spoke and turn back to Jimin who was glaring at his weird boyfriend.

"Wait! I tought I was going home with you?" Jimin pulled Jungkook by his sleeve.

Younger boy turn around and pressed his lips together. "Uhm, sorry I have theraphy today." He pecked older boys lip's before walking away.

"But you only have theraphyes on Monday and Friday." Jimin whispered while watching Jungkook fast walking to his 'home'.

Younger boy walked for about half an hour, he was lost and even more scared.It was getting dark and he was in unfamiliar part of town.

"Hey!" He heard unfamiliar voice and turn around.

"You know Zico?"

Black haired boy nodded too scared to say a word. "Come with me."

He already delivered two packet's and he know how that goes.

He watched a lot older male walking more in the dark alley, it was dark and quiet all he can hear was their footstep's.

Their footstep's.

...and sirenes.

Younger boy looked around in shock. Where are those sirenes coming from? He bumped into the same man that called him he looked up and saw that the man had an evil smirk.

'So young and already breaking the law." The male spoke.

Jungkook wanted to run, he stepped back but he stopped. He will get caught he know that.

"I-I was forced to do this." Younger boy finally spoke.

He don't know he did the worst mistake.

He outed Zico.

In the station Jungkook agreed to tell the policeman's everything. But he have to stay in jail for the night, he panicked also his mom will worry.

He decided to call his last hope.

"Kookie?" Jimin's voice was full of concern, it was like he knew something bad happened.

"Hyung?" Younger boy whispered and looked at the policenan that was staring and listening to his conversation.
"I need help. I'm in jail. You were right." Jungkook spoke and with every word it sounded like he's gonna cry. "Zico...he.."

Jikook // Skinship {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now