Ji and kook

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Idk i think next chapter is last one.


Sooo sad.! :(


Jimin reread the message.



"Uhm sir." The driver finally spoke.

Jimin looked in front of him and nodded. He said nothing.

He gave him a sign to drive to airport. Because Jungkook is obviously not coming with him.

If he tried to speak he will started crying. Good thing he had sunglasses.

So no one can see how he's actually feeling.


Left alone.

Dead inside.

He decided to call Kookie, to ask him why and what happened. But his phone was off.

And Jimin panicked but no matter how loud he yelled at driver to stop and go back home he won't let him.

Because it's over. Right now his father probablly think Jimin is kiddnaped and they are blaming it on Bobby, Jimin can't go back no matter what.

"I need to see Jungkook!" Younger boy cried on the back seat of the cab. "What if he's hurt?"

"He's fine. I guess this was too much for him."

Jimin glared at the man. "Who even asked you anything?"

"That's the truth."

Jimin wanted Jungkook to be safe but also he wanted to believe something stopped him from meeting Jimin.

What if he never found out the truth?

What if he never saw his Kookie again?

"Try to call the boy again. He have to answer sooner or later." Driver said while helping Jimin to buy the ticket.

"He turned off his phone. Maybe he already changed his number."

"What are you gonna do now? In unknown country?"

Jimin sigh. Nothing.

He will just wait for Jungkook's call.

Because he loved him that much, so no matter how far away they are he will always think only about him. 

"Relax. Also I can finally be who I really am. No, I can be whoever I want."

The sad true is than he's gonna be lonley. What is use of all that money when u have no one to spend it with. It's useless.

After Jimin's driver bought the ticket on his name so no one can locate Jimin the boy sat down in the hall. He had 20 minutes until his flight.

He cried. Silently.

Hiding his tears behind his sunglasses. He used to be a happy child.

Never thruly happy, but he was happy.

Only Jungkook can make him saddest and happiest person in the world.

Only Jungkook changed his life.

Jimin drink from his bottle and looked at the clock.

Is he really gonna go in unknown country alone?


"Seat number 65g." The lady said and showed Jimin his seat by the window.

He was scared. He can't do this alone.

But he has to.

Also he had this feeling.

He don't know what that feeling is.

Until someone took him by his wrist so strong Jimin almost screamed in pain.


The poor scared boy slowly turn around. And he met with tall handsome boy.

The boy smiled and in that moment all fear and saddnes Jimin had dissapeared.

Because Jeon Jungkook was here with him.

"Hyung. I had to go with my mom to my doctor. That's why I couldnt make it on time." Younger boy spoke and Jimin hugged him. He hugged him so tight Jungkook stopped breathing.

"I'm sorry I scared you." Jungkook whispered to Jimin's ear. "No way I will ever let you go again."

Jimin couldn't speak. He just needed his boyfriend safe in his arms.

"Kookie, let's go and start the new life."

"Just two of us."



You thought I will ruin this Jikook too.

Most of you didn't liked the ending of my other ff.

So I went with this.


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