17- silent threat

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  AUTHOR pov 

 "I'm sorry Jungkook." Jimin apologized. 

 The younger boy was drunk when he came home yesterday even Jimin tried to wake him up with cold water in club's toilet for almost half an hour. Jungkook was wasted and even if he didn't talk you can still see it in his eyes. 

His mom is disappointed. So now he's grounded plus he have one more week of detention. 

 Jungkook sigh while leaning his head on Jimin shoulder. "Thank's for coming here." Jungkook looked at the older boy who eye smiled down at him. 

Jimin felt guilty, he never did something bad like this before. He took a part of younger boy's hair and played with it. 

 "It's my fault anyway. I feel so stupid. Your mom doesn't like me anymore." Jimin pouted and almost screamed when another person fake cough behind their back's. 

He turn around to see Jungkook's mom looking down at them with her arms closed. 

"Get up from that cold ground." She hissed and Jimin stand up bowing down at her. 

"I'm sorry."

 Jungkook was still sitting down with his fists clenched. 

 "Jimin go home. And you..." she pulled Jungkook by his ear. "You go in your room." She finished and Jimin felt bad for the younger boy. 

He pressed his lips and waved at Jungkook before he started walking back home. 

While Jimin listened to Taehyung giving him  a lesson about yesterday he played with their promise ring sticking his tongue out. 

"Are you even listening to me you brat?" Older boy glanced up at him. That nickname hurted him. He blinked few times to stop his tears from falling . 

 "But everyone was drunk." Jimin said.

 Taehyung snorted and that made Jimin to feel even worst. 

"But no one collapsed from too much alcohol. I'm not gonna say he ruined my birthday but he was really close." 

 Himchan was sitting opposite of Jimin, he didn't react he just played some game on his phone,actually he was kinda turned on by angry Taehyung. 

"I think I should go. It's almost night and I wasn't home since morning." Jimin decided it was best for him to leave.

 He felt unwanted and he really can't listen to Taehyung yelling at him anymore.Younger boy ignored Jimin and sat down in Himchan's lap.

 "You know, I think you were little bit too rough. Jimin almost cried." Taehyung shrugged and hugged him, he knew he did a stupid thing


Jimin lied, he's not gonna go home for at least few more hours. He decided to stop at the park. He sat down at the swing and decided to call his mother. He missed her being around the house and just not caring about him, he missed that.


Because he love his mother and he is still hoping one day she will hug him and tell him how much she love him, just like she used to when he was a baby. 

"Jimin honey, I'm sorry I never called." Woman on the other line spoke as soon as she answered.

 "It's okay mom, I missed you. When are you coming home?" Jimin pushed himself and swayed .

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