18- we can try

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so get ready



 As soon as older boy saw Jungkook walking his way he run as fast as he can and jump on the poor boy.

 "Jungkookie I missed you so much!" Jimin shouted and kissed Jungkook's cheek.

 "Hyung, you're heavy!" Jungkook whined and hugged the older boy tighter trying not to touch his butt.

 Jimin jumped on the ground and take a good look at the taller boy. "You're blushing, so cute."

 Younger boy looked away.

 "Stop it." He whispered and took a glance at Jimin who wad smiling at him like an idiot.

 Jungkook doesn't know that yesterday Jimin finally figured out his feelings. First time he felt guilty, protective, he felt like someone need him, a lot.

 "How are you?" Jimin asked after few seconds.

 He moved closer to taller boy and took his hand. Jungkook was fine, he didn't want to drink his medicine yesterday and he had a fight with his therapist but he was fine, because Jimin is here. 

"Good. And you?" He answered shortly and looked down at their hands. 

"That's good. I'm glad you are fine, Kookie I was really scared yesterday." Jimin spoke .

 "Let's go to school." He said and pulled Jungkook by his hand. 


 "See you at lunch."

 "Jimin!" Jungkook yelled after Jimin who was walking to his first class.

 "Yes Kookie?" Jimin turn around to look at the taller boy.

 "You never answered me how are you?" Jimin smiled. He love when people care for him. 

"I'm great. Don't worry. Now go to your class!" 

Jimin sat down next to Taehyung,not because he wanted but because his seat was next to Taehyung.

 "Hey." Tae greeted him and Jimin smiled at him before looking down at his book. 

"Jiminie I'm really..." 

 "No! It's okay. I know it's my fault. And I should be sorry." Older boy spoke not even looking at Taehyung. 

"Okay. I'm glad you understand." After the teacher came two boys didn't even spoke after that. 

 "Are you mad?" Taehyung asked Jimin after their class. 

Older boy shook his head. He don't want to look or talk to Taehyung. He still have feeling's for him but he also really like Jungkook and he have a special bond with him. 

 "See you Tae." Jimin said and literally run away from class, he accidentally bumped into tall blonde guy. 

"I'm sorry." Jimin bowed. 

"Oh, you must be Jimin." The guy spoke and Jimin looked up with confused look on his face. 

"I'm Namjoon. I will be your new english teacher." Jimin didn't want to ask him how does he know his name, it's probably because his orange hair. 

"Yes sir. I will see you in class."


Jikook // Skinship {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now