i don't know love anymore

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Ngl I listened to truly madly deeply and decided to actually update :)


Jimin opened one eye and closed it again while smiling slightly. He wrapped his arm around asleep boy next to him to be sure this is not just another dream.

It wasn't a dream but it wasn't how he wanted it. Jungkook changed, a lot.

"Kookie?" Jimin pulled the boy closer and whispered into his ear.

Younger boy groaned and tried to push Jimin away, tried because no way Jimin will let go of him easily now. 

"Shhh, we don't need to get up right away." he whispered as he felt the boy calming down. He smelled Jungkook's hair and he can swear he still smell the same.

Jungkook was irresistible. He wanted to kiss his lips again, he missed his kisses, he missed his fingertips all over his body, his eyes staring back st him, his voice calming him down.

"Get off, I need to pee."

Jimin woke up from his fantasy snd smiled sadly before moving back to his side of bed. He was holding on to nothing, Jungkook needed time to get used to love again, both boys are broken inside and they need time, lot of time.


"And this is the ring you gave me." Jimin moved closer to younger boy and gave him the ring.

Jungkook felt something, so he blinked making his tears to fall down his cheeks. He know his Jimin is here with him but it doesn't feel the same.

Jungkook was sorry, he was sorry he can't love.

At all.

He looked at Jimin and then at picture on the table, one of them, he saw all these memories, he remember most of it, his eyes are open he can see it's them, they are Jikook but his heart is still closed.

He gave Jimin his ring and put his hands back in his lap. He had his head low, all of this was too much, suddenly all he wanted is here but he can't be happy.

"Jimin?" he sniffed as his voice sound as whisper.

"Yes, Jungkookie?" he said as he put his hand over Jungkook's shoulder and moved his head down to look at Jungkook's crying face.

"Can you, let me live with you, even if I just want to be friends?"

Jimin pressed his lips together, he felt his heart breaking. Hw loved the boy, he adored him. He asked himself, should he date someone else, should he move on.

But he wouldn't be happy, he would suffer and Jungkook would suffer too

"I don't wanna be alone anymore, hyung. I hated it there." Jungkook spoke and looked up so their eyes met. "I will be good to you."

If he only knew how much it hurt, how jelaous Jimin is to not have the boy, in whole. No one knows how special Jeon Jungkook is and how much he changed his heart.

"Hyung?" Jungkook cried harder when Jimin stayed quiet at his question. "Don't send me back there."

Jimin smiled widely putting his mask on. "Ah, Jungkook. Hyung is happy he can be your friend."

He quickly put their pics and put it in the box. "Let's go eat."

Jungkook wiped his tears and smiled trough them. He took Jimin by his wrist and pulled him in a bone crashing friendly hug.

Jimin loved the closenest, especially with Jungkook, the boy that used to be his.

"Yah, stop it I.  Can't breath." Jimin laughed and gently pushed Jungkook away.

"We can make pizza together!" jungkook clapped excitedly.

"But I have my cook, we don't need to do it "

"But I want to." he pouted and looked down cutely.

Jimin knew he's wasting his love, he can love Jungkook more the this, more then just a friend. Having the boy around was worst then not knowing where he is.

"Jimin why are you crying?"

"My hear- I mean, my head hurts "


yesh I updated even I said I will do it tomorrow

Okay forgive me for my mistakes and typos :)


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