7-Nutella tongue

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"Why is it still raining?" I said to myself while pulling down my sleeves of my too big but also favorite black sweater and watching the rain tirelessly fall on my window. 

I had so many good ideas how to spend day with Taehyung. Now it's ruined.

 Knock knock.

 Someone was at my door,I turned around and yelled "It's open!" before closing my curtains. 

Doors opened and I saw my dad in another of his fancy suits. He stepped inside and put his arm on my shoulder. 

I was surprised by this sudden skinship and I looked at my dad. "What is it?"

 He cough and looked down. "I have another important meeting in few hours. So can you go somewhere?" His eyes met mine again "I will give you some money."

 I moved a step back from him. I was angry. I never got anything from my dad. Not his time or anything. 

"No. I don't need anything from you!" I raised my tone. And my dad was surprised because I never did that before. 

"Fine' I'll leave so you can deal with your mafia partners." I turned my back not wanting to even look at him anymore. 

He sigh and after few seconds he left. 

I groaned and pulled my hair. From all people in the world I got the worst one. Great, with only one sentence he ruined my day. I can't let Tae see me like this. I looked at my clock and saw that we have 2 more hours to meet. I sat on my bed waiting for his call.

 "O, I need to look for something to wear." I walked over to my closet and started looking at my shirts.

 One shirt caught my eye. It was dark green Puma hoodie. I took it and smiled. But not happy or excited. 

I smiled sadly. 

This hoodie belong to Hobi. And I already forgot I have her. 

I lost him. And I never thought he was serious that day. I never mean to hurt him. 


 "I'm ready. When will you be here?" I nodded and said goodbye before hanging up. 

 Taehyung was already on his way.

 I took a small box I had for him and looked at my reflection in the mirror before walking out of my room. I had white shirt with a cute print of dog on it and black skinny jeans. I put on my leather jacket and beanie. 

Wow I look good. I giggled and walked downstairs. 

 "Master Jimin.!" Our maid called for me. I stopped and looked at her. She run to me and handed me an envelope and umbrella.

 "Here, your dad left this for you. And I know how you always forget to bring umbrella even if it's raining." I thanked her and waved goodbye.

 I know what's inside the envelope. And I found perfect way for spending the money he gave me. I put the envelope in my pocket and went outside. 


I was standing on one place with my umbrella in one and present in other hand. I hummed a melody while nervously tapping my right foot on the ground. It was still raining.

 I saw a car from away and got excited. This must be my Tae. 

I squealed when he stopped in front of me and opened car doors for me. 

Jikook // Skinship {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now