I'm fool for you, hyung

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Doubleeeee updateeeeeeeee

I'm probably more excited than you are.



Can your heart beat mine?
Cause I have no time to
Help you find, all the
And memories.
Stories that sound apsurd.
I will tell no lies.

He walked into the room. He filled it with quick hard footsteps. They can't ask him how. But he was able to visit the boy named Jeon Jungkook. To tell him the truth. To tell him he's done.

"Hyung?" The younger boy gasped when he put his head up from his science book.

Jimin had black shirt. Black leather pants. His brown hair was messed up and when he took off his glasses he saw his serious expression.

"Kookie. Happy birthday." He whispered and gave the younger boy a box.

As he opened it he couldn't believe it. His boyfriend is pretty crazy.

"Can I kiss you?" Jungkook was surprised at Jimin's reaction on his question.

"No." He stepped back. "Let's go to your room."

His tone was sharp. And dark that Jungkook felt down again. He hoped to have great birthday but he was wrong. Only Jimin can make him happy again.

I'm a fool for you.
And things you do.

"Glowing Iron man is awesome." Younger boy laughed as he put the figurine on his night desk.

"You sleep with 7 other people?" Jimin was dissgusted. The room was small and they were bed to bed. It was clean but it felt wrong.

"Yeah. The best thing is non of them talk to me. They pretty much hate me." This made Jimin to look at him. He smiled and sat next to him on bed.

"They can't hate you. You're really lovable." He took the tallers boy hand and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"I miss you. I hate to be away from you." Jungkook cried. He hugged Jimin and felt safe after months. He know he's losing him.

But Jimin had straight face and closed eyes.

He was glad the boy's birthday way yesterday and not today.

"Jungkook. I hate myself for this but. I kissed someone again."

He got it. He got it. He got it.
His own reasons, for talking to me.
He don't give a fuck about what I need.
And I can't tell you why because my brain can't see it.
Tell me all lies because I just can't face it.

Jungkook stopped crying. Was he in shock? Well that happened already. He know Jimin is uhm let's say weak.

"You could've said no." Jungkook whispered. Jimin looked down amd pushed the boy away. He looked down at his hands.

"I changed. And I don't like it. No. I don't like that guy but he opened my eyes."

Younger boy couldn't believe him. Is he gonna leave him? Alone? Again?  In his dark, lonely, cold world? His mother is gonna go trough hell again. All because Jungkook is 'sick'.

But he's not mad. Jungkook understand him, he understand the word lonley.

He would not show that he was afraid.
But being and fewling alome was too much to fake.
Everyone said he was too strong.
But they didn't know is that he can bareally carry on.

Jimin tried to move away from Jungkook so younger boy don't notice. In this moment every little thing that Jimin do hurt him.

"I love you." Jungkook spoke. He felt guilty for saying that. Did Jimin believed him?

"Love is crazy. Jungkook I love you too, even I just keep hurting you. But I need to do this. For you. Firstly for you than for me."

I promise that one day I'll be around,
I'll keep you safe, I'll keep you sound.
Right now it's pretty crazy.
I don't know how to stop but slow it down.

"I'm not listening to you."

Jungkook's childishness made Jimin to giggle. He shook his head at the boy. He need to do this. Jungkook was doing good and Jimin is gonna ruin it.

"I think you will be fine without a cheater as me. Just remember that I do love you. Maybe one day..."

"Don't you try to put that 'One day' shit on me!" Jungkook yelled and stand up staring down at his soon to be be boyfriend.

"I understand. I made fun of you twice. You're here now and when u get out you will be free and totally new person that will find someone who deserve him."

If we could never go back, thought you like know that:
He won't touch you like I do.
He won't love you like I would.
He don't know your body, he don't do you right.

"Stop talking shit Park Jimin. How can you let some asshole to tell you who are you and what you feel? By the stupid remarks I would say it's Hoseok."

"How did you-"

"It's not hard. And I don't care. I still want our plan to work out. To run away from this city and liteally start new life as someone we want to. So Park Jimin don't you dare to broke up with me."

I need you and I hate it.
You're caught between a dream and a movie scene, in a way
You know what I mean.

"Okay." Jimin said with his smile as he moved back closer to giv Jungkook the real present. ;)


Omg omg it's super late and shit

Fuck Jikook I need sleep.

Okay I hope you're okay with two shitty chapters.

I'm a looseeeeerrr.

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