Chapter 1 ~ Train wreck

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Hi I'm Lexi ~ and number 18
I am 14 and 1/2 years old.
I am bisexual
I am a YouTube addict
I love Dan and Phil and Joey Graceffa.
I live in England.
I am depressed.
I am bullied a lot.


I stared out the small window I owned in my room. I was depressed and being in this dark, dull home just triggered it more and more. The home followed a consistent colour theme of black and grey and cos we were here, the workers feels as though we don't deserve christmas so any gifts our friends decide to give us, we have to smuggle them into the home. We had no tree, no lights, no fancy wrapping paper. No christmas dinner, no crackers.

December 25th was just a normal day for us; wake up, slave, sleep.

But today was 18th December.

Anything can happen in 6 days...

I have an amazing bare oak tree standing outside my room but it has been threatened by the workers that it will be cut down soon if I used it to try to escape again. After all; I had used it to escape this place only 16 times and surprisingly, only 4 of those times had I actually escaped and had a day in colour. the rest of the times I had either been caught or fell and broken something causing me to go the hospital ~ I had already broken my left ankle twice, both my arms individually and my right wrist.

I had decided to fake sick and somehow the stupid cow workers believed me. So I was in my pale grey onesie in my room.

I needed air.

I got changed into black jeans and grey tank top. I put on my blue denim jacket and black dock-martins. I brushed my brown hair and swept it to one side and took my bag, putting my black Nokia phone in which was chipped at the corners, my sketch pad and crayons (I was obsessed with art) and my headphones and finally, TABINOF. Putting it on my back, I opened the window and climbed out.

I climbed down the tree silently and walked along the tarmac drive and, somehow, escaped. I walked along the pavement when my phone buzzed. The name Rhianna popped up. Rhianna was a worker and she hated my guys.

I suggest you stop your escape mission and come to my office asap. And expect a besting you worthless person.

Tears filled my eyes. I looked to my left and saw a rail-way. I walked to it and slowly, walked along the the track until I heard a faint noise. I turned and saw a train.

I was fed up being called use-less by everyone. I was bullied at school and I hated my life. I mean, what difference would it make if I died...

The train was coming in closer with a fast speed. I turned to face away from the train and held my breathe and close my eyes, waiting for the impact.

A pair of arms wrapped around me and pulled me away off the track as the train cane screaming past. I screamed out, wanting to be let go and I was mostly disappointed my suicide attempt did not work.

"Hey calm down!"

I recognised the voice and turned to face them.

Phil Lester.

I stared. My YouTube idol, the YouTuber I have been so desperate to meet... just saw me try to commit suicide...

"I..." i was lost for words. I mean, how would you try to explain this to a YouTuber?

"Who's that Phil?" Phil turns and I look over his shoulder.

Dan Howell.

Talk about wrong place wrong time.

"I don't know... but I think I just saved there life," Phil said. I felt myself burn up in Phil's arms.

Dan raised a eye-brow and then I saw Phil mouth something, "Suicide," and that just filled me with guilt.

"I... I didn't intend to try to commit suicide," I blurt out, causing Dan and Phil to look at me, "I mean... I just wanted to het fresh air away from the care-home and then a worker told me to come back so she could beat me..."

I look at the two of them, there eyes filled with pain and horror. Oh my go they thought I was a freak and lying.

"I'm not lying, I swear and..."

"We don't think your lying," Dan said, "We just want to take you back and adopt you so you don't have to suffer pain."

I stare at him, "What?"

I see Phil's eyes widen.

"Come on Phil, we have discussed this for weeks and weeks now and I think it's time we finally realise that this fan needs help and we can't just leave her to get beaten. Like I said, she is a fan."

"How did you know I was a fan?" I question,

"We can see the corner of our book poking out your bag," Phil points out.


"Come on," Dan says, holding out his hand to me. I take it and Phil takes my other hand as we head back to hell.

Like I said, anything can happen in 6 days...

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