Chapter 8 ~ Friends and Bullies

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I had to go to school tomorrow; my dads told me. And I was scared. I knew it was a new school but what if everyone hated me?

Dan and Phil had enrolled me into a new school that was local to our house; about a 5 minute walk away. We had my uniform all ready.

Like I said, I just hoped everyone liked me.


I was scared as I left the house to go to school. Dan and Phil asked if I wanted to walk with me but I said no. I wanted to show them I was brave.

The uniform was... alright. It was better than my old uniform but still not the best. Like my old uniform, it consisted of mostly grey which I was fine with and this uniform came with hints of red and brown formed into it. Whilst shopping with Zoe and Louise, I brought a brown satual which I decided  to use as my school bag.

As I entered the school gates, I removed my head phones which I had ben listening to a mix of Muse, Fall Out Boy and Joey Graceffa's song. Everyone stared at me, considering I was the new girl. I smiled nervously and a girl walked over, "Aww are you lost new girl?"

I nod, "Yeah I am a bit..."

"I'm Misty," the girl says, holding out her hand and I go shake it when a girl runs up behind her, "Hi I'm Chara! Come with me and meet my friends!" She grabs my hand and pulls me off.

"You friend snatcher pig!" Misty yells across the play-ground.

I look at Chara, confused, "You don't want to become friends with her," Chara finally says, "She can be nice, yeah, but can be a bitch too... well I say Misty as a she... she's actually gender-fluid." I nod at Chara's words.

We go over to a group of people consisting of one two other girls and a boy; a really cute boy...

And then I saw Chara kiss him and I changed my mind about him instantly.

"This is Alyssa," Chara points out.

"Hi," Alyssa says.

"This is Aimee," Chara once agin points out.

"What's-up?" Aimee says and puts her hand out for a safe and I return it.

"And this is my boyfriend Cameron," Chara points out.

"Hey," he says, smiling at me.

"So what's your name?" Chara asks.

"Hey calm down Chara," Alyssa giggles, "You've already saved her life from the evil clutches of Misty..."

"I'm Lexi," I smile, "Lexi Lester-Howell..."

The three of them gawp at me causing me to laugh, "You know you have the last name of two of the best YouTubers ever?!" Aimee exclaims.

"I know, cos they are my parents..." I smirk.

"That's awsome!" Chara exclaims, "Oh my god are they really nice? Is there a real sofa crease? Is Phil as nice as he is on camera... oh my god where do they live??"

I laugh, "They are really nice, there is a real sofa crease and if you sit in it when Dan is not there and he finds out he goes mental, Phil is so nice and I don't tell my address to stalkers like you," I playfully smack Chara on the arm.

The bell rings and Alyssa takes me to the office, "I appologise for Chara: she is really friendly and energetic. I think I've only seen her depressed four times in the two tears I've been friends with her."

I raise a eye-brow, "Seriously? I am, like, depressed 24/7."

I look at Alyssa and see faint scars on her wrists, "You... cut?" I ask.

Alyssa pulls her jumper sleeve down in a hurry and blush's bright red, "I use to," Alyssa said shyly, "I've stopped now..."

I show her my arm with the fresh wounds from two days ago, "You cut?" Alyssa exclaims, "Why? You have amazing parents!"

"But before I had amazing parents, I lived in a nasty area and had nasty friends who bullied me. I have nasty voices in my head that control me... in fact, it is because of Dan and Phil I am here today..."

"Wait... you tried to commit... suicide?!" Alyssa whispers and I nod, causing Alyssa to gasp, "But Phil saved me," I said.

We reach the office and Alyssa gives me a piece of paper with her phone number on, "Text me during the day if you need me and if not, I'll see you at break in the dinner hall."

"Ok, bye," I smile as I watch Alyssa skip away.

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