Chapter 6 ~ Ricky

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Ricky has bullied me since I was sent to the orphanage two years ago.

And I was scared.

If Ricky found out where I live, he might come and hurt me again.

And even worse, he might hurt Dan and Phil.

I walked down the cold corridors of school, making my way to art; the subject I loved the most. Well I use to. Up until Ricky joined in and now he uses it as a extra lesson to torture me.

I get into Art and start to plan out my new Assessment piece. I get my paints and pastels and draw; a flower and vines around the edge. It looked good; probably one of the best pieces I've ever done. And then Ricky 'accidentally' spills his dirty paint water all over it.

All I could do was watch the colours of my work leak with the water making a big mess.

After class, Ricky comes over to me, "It's a shame about your drawing," he laughs and pushes me to the ground and begins to kick me, "You're a selfish bi-sexual and you are ugly. Do everyone a favour yeah? Kill yourself," and he runs off.

We arrive back at Dan and Phil's and Zoe and Louise goes to talk to Dan and Phil about the whole Ricky incident as well as Alfie. I go up to my room (the office) and sit on my bed after putting all my shopping bags down.

I put my head in my hands. Then there was a faint knock on the door, "What?" I say.

"It's Dan... can I come in?"

"Sure," I sigh and the door opens and Dan walks in. He sits next to me on the bed and hugs me tight.

"Zoe told me about this... Ricky?" I nod at Dan's words.

"What went on with him then?" Dan asks suspiciously.

I swung my bag onto my back and ran out if English, wanting to escape before I was caught. If got out quick enough, maybe I would be able to go to the park briefly...

"Where are you going in a hurry?" I spin around and Ricky is there, pacing towards me. I walk backwards, "Home... now leave me alone Ricky..."

"Why should I leave you alone?" He runs and grabs my shoulder, holding me to the spot.

"let go of me Ricky!" I yelled and then Ricky punched me in the gut. Then the eye and everywhere else, bruising me. Beating mr. Scaring me, mentally and physically.

"Lexi?" Dan says, snapping me out of my terrifying thoughts.

"Hum?" I look at him. Dan just rolls his eyes, "I said what went on with you and him... Ricky..."

"I... I don't want to talk about it..." I break away from Dan's hug and get up, walking to the window I had in my room and look out of it.

"So it's bad then?" Dan asked. I nodded, a tear silently escaping.

Dan came over to the window, behind me. He pulled me in another hug but I got out of it, "I love your hugs Dan, I really do... but I'm not really in the mood for them right now... I need to think about things."

Dan looked a bit hurt but left the room. I stared at the door for about 20 seconds before I broke down into tears, falling onto my knees in fits of tears.

After about 10 minutes, I got up. I had to do this quickly. I race down all the stairs and into the bathroom and lock the door. I look around for a blade, left right and then I see a razor. I grab it and cut my arm; once, twice, three, four, five. And then I cry. Again,

I stop there, not wanting the cuts to be too visible. There was a knock on the door, "Lexi? Lexi are you in there?" It was Zoe.

"Yeah... I'll be out in a sec," I croak out in between tears.

"Lexi? Let me in!"

"I'll be out in a sec!" I yell.

I heard Zoe yell for my dads. I heard them run up the stairs. I hear Dan trying to open up the locked door. I manage to pull my sleeve down just as the door pops open.

Dan grabbed me in a hug, "What did you do Lexi?" He asked.

"Nothing!" I exclaim. Dan took me out the bathroom, Zoe following. He takes me to his room and sits me on the bed, "Lexi, show me your arm."

I look at him, "You think I've cut don't you..."

"Yes... you can see the blood seeping through your jumper," Dan points down. I look down and Dan was right.

"I..." I couldn't finish as Dan had already gripped my wrist and pulled it towards him. He removed the jumper sleeve and I hear Zoe gasp when she saw the five fresh cuts.

Dan's eyes just looked hurt.

So much for them not being too visible.

So much for a good first impression.

"Zoe... could you get Phil and ask Alfie to get the first aid kit from the kitchen? I'm afraid you and Louise are too short to reach..." Zoe nods and races out the room.

Phil soon enters the room, "Dan... what's going on?" His voice was panicky as he spoke. Dan got up and Phil sat where Dan was, "Look at her wrist..." Dan said.

I tried to pull away but Phil held it. When he saw the cuts, tears filled his eyes, "Lexi.... W-why would you do this to yourself?"

"The voices..." I said, "And the fact R-Ricky is back in my life..." I cried along with Phil as Alfie walked in. I saw him and Dan whisper to one another and Alfie left the room.

Dan came over and sorted out my wounds. He was very good; he stopped the blood flow and put plasters on every cut and kissed every one.

"How come your so good at this? Panic attacks... cutting..." I questioned. Dan looked into my eyes with a sad look, "I use to cut and I use to and sometimes now have panic attacks. Not bad ones like you experienced and not like Zoe does sometimes..." I get off the bed and hug him.

The three of us go back into the living room to join Alfie, Zoe and Louise. We chatted for hours before they had to leave.

When we went to bed, Dan invited me to stay with him. I think he wanted to keep a eye on me but all the less I agreed.

Dan's bed was warm and cozy. It felt nice and never in 1000 years did I ever think I would be in danisnotonfire's bed.


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