Chapter 26 ~ AHHH

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A/N: so I just read my chapter back & in my previous a/n I told you which artists I had in my Spotify playlist... & I forgot to mention TROYE SIVAN!!

If you want to have a look... Follow me on Spotify cos I have no followers...

Account ~ hannahhh__xx


Dan was blaming the whole of Lexi being hit by a car on himself as Zoe drove herself, Alfie, me, Dan and Caspar to the I looked at Dan, "It's not your fault Dan." I comment.

Dan shakes his head vigorously, "It is Joe... if I hadn't been so pushy..."

"Come on Dan," Alfie says, "Now isn't the time to feel sorry for yourself."

We pull into the hospital but Dan had to wait for me to get out as Dan was in the middle between me and Caspar.

I sprinted into the hospital away from all my friends and into the hospital. I had to see Lexi. I had to reach her and my boyfriend.

I ran to the desk and asked for Lexi's room. Once told, I ran up to the room in a hurry.

I burst into the room and there sat Phil and Lexi lying in the hospital bed. Phil looked up at me and smiled weakly. I ran over to Phil and he hugged me, "What's been said?" I asked nervously.

Phil looked at me in the eye, "Lexi... has to have her left leg... amputated..."

I felt my jaw drop open, "What? How?"

I see tears roll down Phil's pale cheeks as he pushes his dark fringe away from his face, "She has a blockage of the arteries in her left leg meaning all circulation has been reduced... the surgeon suggested the amputation after Lexi was taken for a x-ray to examine where the blockages are in her leg. She has also had to have a chest x-ray and a whole load of test's too,  like blood and breathing tests. But right now... Lexi is still unconscious..."

I felt myself go numb, "Th... this is all my fault..."

"It's not Dan," Phil convinces me, "You didn't know this was going to happen..."

That was when Zoe, Alfie, Joe and Caspar entered the ward. They walked over and Joe looked at us, "It's bad news isn't it?"

I nodded slowly. "Well... she isn't dead nor in a coma..."

"But..." Alfie sussed out there was something else.

"Lexi has to have her left leg amputated under her knee..." Phil finishes.

Everyone looked in utter shock. Zoe came over and engulfed both me and Phil in individual hugs as she began to cry, "Lexi will be fine... I know she will. Lexi has gone through a hard time and managed to keep her will... she'll be able to survive this..."

"Thanks Zoe..." I thank.

*2 days later*
Lexi lay awake in her hospital bed, looking into my eyes, "I'm scared."

"What about honey?" Phil asks sitting on my lap as there was only one chair.

"Walking..." Lexi said.

The operation had been done. Lexi had a metal leg leaning against her bed which she had to put on every time she went to get up. She would only wear it when she needed and could take it off when relaxing. As well as that, she was given the option of having a fake leg she could use whilst running which Lexi said yes to.

"You'll be fine," I smile, "And Joe and Caspar are coming later to see you."

Lexi smiles at me and then lies flat on her back, "It feels... weird..." she says, "Not having a left foot..."

"Hey at least you don't have to live with a awkward left foot size!" Phil says making Lexi smiles.

"True... but my right foot is still growing so soon I will have a size five left foot and size six right foot..." she giggles at her own joke.

"I'm sure the hospital will give you a replacement when it comes to that," I say as Joe and Caspar enter the ward.

They each hug Lexi and talk to her and she laughs and gets involved, as if she wasn't in a hospital ward but in out living room.

I never really knew what a fighter looked liked

But now I do.

Lexi Lester-Howell, our daughter, was a true hero.

Rescued by Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now