Chapter 28 ~ Jake

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A knock on the apartment door scared the three of us as we watched Death Note. I got up, "I'll get it," and walked off, careful not to slip on the stairs like I did last night.

I get to the door and open it and there stood Jake with a back-pack on his back.

"Jake!" I exclaim. I hug him and he hugs me back, "How did you find me?"

"Well it's easy when you realise that I saw you come home... I live in the apartment below you!" He says.

"Amazing!" I exclaim.

"So how are you?" He asks as I invite Jake into the house.

"I'm good... just wanted to see you really and get away from my dad."

"What's wrong with your dad?" I ask as we go up the stairs, me going two times slower than Jake.

"He's an alcoholic and... mom told me to get away from the house so he didn't hurt me. She told me to pack a over-night bag and go stay at a friends... but we had a bad argument and he hates me... so I thought I'd come to you..."

"Hey," I hug Jake again as I see him begin to cry, "I had a shit beginning to life and still am kinda... but I'm sure if I ask Dan and Phil they will let you stay the night."

We go into the living room, "Dan, Phil. This is Jake. He is the son of the man who hit me by the car who also lives in the apartment below... and his dad is am alcoholic..."

,Dan goes over to Jake and shakes his hand, "Nice to meet you Jake."

"Dan... would it be possible for Jake to stay the night... what with his dad being an alcoholic..."

Dan nodded, "Make yourself at home... you can have a air bed in Lexi's room if you want?"

"Thanks so much," Jake smiles and we go upstairs.


"So tell me about yourself," Jake says as he sits on my bed, me next to him.

"Well... I was adopted a week before Christmas by Dan and Phil... I am 14... I am depressed and have panic attacks... and I was beat by my dad and I was sent to the orphanage where I was beat there and... recently..." I felt tears trickling down my cheeks.

Jake puts his arm around me, "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to..."

"No... I want to tel you so I'm not hiding no secrets from you," I say. I breathe, "I met a boy at Starbucks... George. I thought he was nice but he was bad and for two weeks... he rapped me everyday after school..."

Jake gasped, "That's disgusting!"

"I know... luckily the police took him away andI have to go to court in three days about it."

Jake hugs me properly, "Well I'm here for you no matter what."

I look into his eyes, "Really?"

He looks back into them, "Really..."

He then took my hand and he kissed me. Full on, on the lips. It was amazing, our lips moving in sync.

We pulled away and he blushed, "I'm sorry I..."

"No... I... I liked it..." and I kissed him again.

He ran his hand through my hair, intertwining his fingers into it. I really liked Jake. He was cute, he was friendly, and he was single.

Jake pulled away slowly, "Lexi... I know we only just met but... I really like you... will you be my girlfriend?"

I look into Jake's eyes, "Yeah..." and then he takes my hand and rubs his thumb over the back of my hand.

Once we were done with the lovey-dovey phase, I took off my artificial leg and grabbed my laptop and we watched Netflix for a while, enjoying every moment of it.

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