Chapter 27 ~ Learning the basics

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I lay in the hospital ward alone. Dan had gone to the cafeteria to get me, himself and Phil food and Phil went with him.

It felt weird feeling my left leg and to reach the end and it being a stump and air where the rest of my leg should be.

What if everyone thought I was weird?

How do I tell all the fans?

What if my friends hate me?

What if Misty teases me more?

What if George finds out?

What if George comes back?

What if...


Panic || PAnic || PANic || PANIc || PANIC || PANIC!

I looked around the room for something to focus on as my breathing was heavy and quick. I soon land my eyes on the silver metal of my 'leg' as it was the only colour other than white in the room (looking at my hair would be weird and make me go, probably, cross eyed).

Sweat began to form on my head and I clasped my hands into a punching position, my nails figging into my skin.

"Stop it!" I whispered.

And for the first time ever, my brain actually listened to me. I stopped panicking and picked up my iPhone 6s and headphones, and went on Netflix. I clicked on Big Hero 6, and skipped to Fall Out Boy's song Immortals and sang along to it in a whisper before then skipping to Dan and Phil's speaking scene.

The part made me smile and wish so much I could and one day do something like that one day.

But would they accept someone like you with no left foot?

I shook my head making the voice stop. I always wanted to be some sort of actor as well...

But was that dream still available after my amputation?

"Ah that's the best bit of the movie!"

Dan's voice startles me, "Dan you scared the fucking shit out of me!" I exclaim.

Dan laughs, "I know ~ I saw how you reacted... Anyway, Tyler and Troye are here to see you."

I look at Dan, "But don't they live in America?"

"We sure do," Tyler laughs coming over and hugging me.

"Well you do," Troye says smiling, "I live in Australia."

"Australia," Phil repeats in his bad Australian accent, making all of us laugh.

"Phil, you have insulted every Australian person alive today... I'm so sorry Troye," Dan says chuckling.

"Nah don't worry... I'm use to it," Troye laughs and hugs me, "I have this for you too Lexi," and he hands me his new CD.

"Aww thanks Troye!" I exclaim and I hug him again.

I sit up in my bed awkwardly and talk to my friends until late where Dan and Phil were told by nurses to go home along with Troye and Tyler. I hated seeing them go...

I lay in the bed alone, scared and worried. What if someone came in to see me?

I hear a crash outside and I jump. My eyes look towards the door and my breathe was heavy.

The doors swing open and a person walks in. All I see is there silhouette, as they walk towards me.

I feel uncomfortable where I was sitting. The person walks to my bed and turns on the light above my bed.

A boy, at least 15 years old stood there. He was sweet and cute but... what was he doing here?

"Erm... hi?" I ask worryingly.

The boy looks at me, "Oh yeah... I'm really sorry... are you Lexi Lester-Howell?"

I nod, "Yes why..."

"I'm Jake, and my dad is the man who hit you with the car two days ago..."

My stomach churned at the thought, "Oh..." I say quietly.

"And I'm here to say a really big sorry about what happened..."

"Sure but you did you need to come in the middle of the Night?" I question.

"I guess I shouldn't have... but every time I've come to talk to you there have been other people with you..."

I yawn and Jake looks at me, "I see your tired so shall I carry on talking to you tomorrow?"

I nod, "That'll be cool..."

Jake nods before turning off my light and walking away.

Well that was different...


The next morning at exactly 10am, a hurried Troyler couple came into the ward. They seemed so happy to see me again.

"Where... where's Dan and Phil?" I asked as the pair of them sat down.

"Outside talking to a doctor about you learning to walk again with your leg," Tyler says.

I nod. I forgot about learning to walk again. God, this would be difficult. I mean, I might as well be two years old again, learning how to walk and talk.

Dan and Phil then walk in and hug me, "So when do I begin to learn?" I asked.

"In about half an hour the doctor said," Phil says.

I lie back on my bed and wait for the half an hour to pass. I wasn't tired, I just didn't want to talk to anyone.

About 20 minutes later, a doctor walks in and puts me in a wheelchair, taking me to a room where I would learn to walk with my fake foot.

It was hard. I kept falling over and loosing my ballance but Dan stood behind me through the whole thing. I soon began to learn and get use to the feeling. I would walk on my own without someone behind me or without the rails.

I was only aloud out of hospital a week later where I had to get use to walking up all the stairs on my own. We had another 'leg' to carry as well, my running leg, which Dan carried whilst Phil walked behind me in case I lost my ballance.

Once in the apartment, I collapsed onto the sofa for the first time in two weeks, happy to be finally in the comfort of my own home.


Ok so I need some plots to go with the story for another 13 chapters before I write the next book in this series which will be the book ADOPTED BY ZALFIE.

So yeah, comment any plots I should add in!

Hannah xx

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