Chapter 31 ~ Starbucks

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I looked at Lexi. After what she said... I felt upset. I wanted to help her. I wanted to help her and make her happy but she wasn't. Her dad just came and tried to kill her and called her all sorts of names.

I beckoned Phil to follow me, which he did, "I'm worried about Lexi," I said to him.

Phil nodded, "She seems... down..."

I nod like Phil had done, "Yeah... maybe we should take her somewhere later?"

"That probably is a good idea," Phil admits. "I mean, we need to cheer her up somehow after the time she has... you know with the rape and her dad and orphanage..."

I sigh and agree. We would take Lexi shopping and then go to Starbucks afterwards.

*six hours later*
"Come on Lexi! Are you ready yet?"

Phil's voice startled me causing me to smudge my liquid eye liner. I groan out and end up throwing the bottle of eye liner across the room. I gasp and grit my teeth as the lip off my eye liner pops off the container causing eye liner to spill all over my wall and onto the carpet.

"I GIVE UP!" I yell and whack my head against the table, hard.

"Lexi?" I hear my door open and then someone hug me, "What's gone wrong?"

"Everything!" I exclaim turning and my eyes lock with Dan's, "I try to put eye liner on and it smudges. I get annoyed and throw it and it splashes all over the fucking wall! I just give up with everything!" I get up off the chair and storm to the bathroom. I close the door and cry.

I was being a drama queen. I knew it. But I was positive my dads would prefer for me to do this than cut myself.

I hear the bathroom door open and Phil appears, "Please calm down Lexi..."

"I'm trying..." I whisper, "But it gets too hard sometimes... I just wish... I could release this pain another way and not by throwing eye-liner..."

Phil knew what I was on about and hugged me close, "Me and Dan love you Lexi... and so does Jake. Last night seeing you had hurt yourself hurt me and Dan just as much as it did to you. So therefore, I say we just go shopping and go to Starbucks."

"Thanks Phil," and I hug him.

I go to get up and go out the room, "Oh and Lexi..."

I spin around, "Yeah Phil?"

"I think you look beautiful with and without the eye-liner."


We go shopping and I buy a whole load of clothes and books and Dan takes us all to Starbucks before we went back home on the tube.

"So how did you enjoy that?" Dan asked as he brought our drinks over to where me and Phil were sitting.

"It was good," I smile, "And I really, really enjoyed it."

Phil and Dan smiled at one another, "Shall we tell her?"

"What?" I asked, looking at my dads.

"Well you know..." Dan smirked, "We were wondering if you wanted to come with us on Monday for the first BBC Radio 1, Internet Takeover of 2016?"

I squealed, "I'd love to!" I exclaim.

"Brilliant!" Phil laughs.

As we leave Starbucks, I see Misty walking up the road. I look at Dan and quickly take a step closer to him.

Misty began to take a very serious disliking to me and began to call me names and all sorts. Dan must have sensed something as he nudged me, "What's wrong?"

All Dan's questions were answered as Misty walked past us with her two friends. "Faggots!" She yelled and pushed me into Dan who toppled over and fell to the floor, me landing on top of him.

Misty and her two friends began to laugh historically, "Your just a slut and pig daughter to two of the biggest faggots in the world!" She yelled and ran off.

I felt my heart twist and turn and my stomach churn. Phil came running and helped me up and then Dan who was in utter shock, "Oh... so that's what up," he said.

"Yeah..." I sighed as I brushed myself off, "That's Misty for you."

"Misty... wait you know her?" Dan questioned, raising a eye-brow.

"Yeah, unfortunately," I sigh, "It's just I never talk about her..."

"Well if she does anything like that again," Phil says, "Tell us, okay?"

"Okay." I reply.


HAPPY 2016!!

So I need to learn how to put eye-liner on and I am really scared...

Is that normal?

Ok I'll leave.

Hannah xx

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