Chapter 48 ~ home

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We left the hospital with Dan next to me. He seemed a lot happier to be around with. He smiled a lot and Phil lightened the mood with all his hilariously bad puns.

The necklace I had around my neck was my treasure now. It wasn't just because it was given to me to ward off evil... it was also give to me by Connor and with him going back to America in four days, I had no idea when I would see him again.

"Oh yeah, Joey is coming round later with Daniel before they both head off tomorrow to catch up with tour dates," Phil says as a taxi pulls up to pick us up.

I smile as I climb into the taxi by the window. Joey mad me feel happy about myself as a person; such a positive attitude and light heart.

What wasn't to like?

We get to the flat to see Daniel and Joey were already there. We greet them and I am hugged in a big bear hug by Joey. He compliments my jewellery and after telling him why I had so much, I thank him.

The apartment was cold as we walked in. I shivered and the boys laughed calmly. It was nice to see them together.

"So how many tour days do you need to catch up on Joey?" Phil asked curiously as we head upstairs to the living room.

"A week's worth," Joey admits, "But it's cool. This is a lot more serious than some tour... even though some of the fans don't appreciate that I am missing them out. But hey, at least I an going back to the venue and not missing the whole venue all together."

"Tours can be like that," Phil says, "It's stressful but there are those fans who are never 100% happy even when we do go. They always want something extra."

Joey nods, "Glad you see that too."

Dan and me sit on the sofa as Phil goes to the kitchen to make us all drinks. Joey and Daniel squish up on the sofa so the four of us were on there.

"So how have you been Lexi?" Joey asks.

I shrug, "Ok I just doesn't feel... right."

"What doesn't?" Dan queries.

I've just dig myself in a big hole now. Well done Lexi; very smart.

"Well..." I sigh, not knowing how to word most of my feelings now I had three boys looking at me, "Think about it. I was suppose... I was dead. You were having my funeral and then I wake up. That isn't right and since then... I dunno... I just feel so lost with it all. My voice pesters me more because I am not dead and..." I put my head in my hands as Dan wraps his arm around me, "I just stress so much about it all..."

Phil comes back in with drinks and hand us all one. But as soon as I grip the glass with my hand, you could see the pink liquid of my smoothie visibly move around the glass with all my shaking.

Dan takes the drink off my hand and puts it on a coaster on top of our fireplace, "Listen. Lexi... I know what happened doesn't feel right and honestly I don't blame you for feeling that way. But me and Phil are here to guide you so that you don't feel lost. What happened at the funeral was a true miracle. We never thought we would see you again... after all, you were said to be dead."

I look at Dan. He and Phil really did care about me. They loved me and that was why they decided to adopt me.

But with all of that, I felt sick and ill. I shouldn't be here. I was DEAD and now I am ALIVE? There was Dan saying being possessed isn't scientific... explain this Dan. This wasn't scientific one bit.

No one can just magically start breathing on their own ~ that is what is not scientific.

But I let the thought slide as Joey wraps a arm around me and hugs me. I smile at the feeling and I snuggle up to him.


It was her... she was here... but I was wearing the jewellery!

I may not be able to touch you... but I can still torchere you with speech.

"Lexi what's wrong your holding onto me really tight!" Joey asked as I felt the others look at me.

I let go of Joey and sit straight on the sofa. I hear Dan ask me what was up but once again I say nothing.

Instead I get up and walk into the hallway on my own where I lean against the wall and slide down it till I am sitting down.

She was back.

Oh for god sake stop calling me her or she, I hear her laugh.

"What do you want me to call you then?" I whisper.

Call me... call me Jess, she... I mean Jess said.

I felt sick. Now she had a name... it meant she was properly official. I was never going to get rid of her was I?

I feel tears roll down my cheeks at the thought. I wanted to get rid of her, not for her to name herself. This just made the whole concept of being possessed all that more difficult.

"Lexi?" I look up and see Daniel walk in. He kneels in front of me, "I know I aren't that much to you... just Joey's boyfriend but I want you to know you can always talk to either me and Joey about anything."

I nod slowly and he looks at me, "Have... have you been crying?"

I wipe my tears away with the back of my hand, "A bit..."

Daniel pulls me into a hug, something that made me feel safe. I liked it, "Is it anything you want to talk about?" He asks.

I pause a second, "I don't know... I mean I don't know if it will make me feel any better."

"Well talking about my issues usually helps me," Daniel says, "Maybe it will help you out?"

I nod slowly, "Yeah..."

Daniel says nothing and puts his hand out. I take it and he pulls me up out my sitting position and together we walk into the living room.

"Hey sweetie," Dan says as I walk in.

I smile weakly, "Hi..."

Phil frowns, "Are you ok honey? You look... down."

I shrug, "Daniel says it's best to say my feelings as it may make me feel better," I look at Daniel who was smiling.

"And..." Dan says.

"I was here and then she came... that's why my grip got tighter Joey and I'm sorry... that's also why I left the room... only to realise that with this jewellery she can still talk to me but just not use me or hurt me. But then she wanted to name herself... Jess..."

Dan stands up and pulls me into a big hug, "I'm so sorry honey..."

"It's ok Dan... I just think I'm gonna go to my room for a bit," I say.

Phil gets up, "Are you sure?"

I nod, "Yeah."

I then leave the room and as soon as I get to my room I remove my metal leg and lie on my bed and cry.

Rescued by Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now