Chapter 10 ~ Hello Internet

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"Hello Internet! So today I am joined with Phil..."

"Hi guys!"

"And we are going to share with you some pretty big news..."

"WE'VE ADOPTED!" Phil yelled.

"That's right! After what seem's like years, me and Phil have actually decided to adopt because we obviously cannot look after out own lives so lets take care of someone else's!" Dan laughs.

"And here she is!" Phil says and I pop up into view, "Heeyyy guys!!"

"So this is Lexi, our new daughter and over twitter, I asked you guys to ask us and her questions so lets get to it!"

Phil starts with the first question, "What is your name and tell us 5 facts about yourself

"Well," I begin, "I am Lexi Lester-Howell and five facts about myself? Well I really like art, I come from a rough care-home, I am 14 years old and..." I pause, not knowing what to choose as my last option, "I have loved YouTube ever since it started!"

"Next question," Dan announces, "If you could go out with any YouTuber, no matter how old they are, who would you pick?"

I think, "Well I would say either one of you but since your my dads... I'd have to pick Joey... or Joe Sugg..."

"This is getting creepy! Next question!" Phil exclaims, "How does it feel to be adopted?"

"Great! I'm glad I am out that stupid home and care-workers!"

We do a whole load of questions until the last one comes up, "The last question is there any aspects of yourself you never had?"

I wasn't comfortable. Not one bit, "Pass..." I said.

Phil nodded, "You say that in your own time. It's for you to tell, not us."

I was glad they understood as we ended the video, the three of us doing the 'sexy end-screen dance' together and Dan telling everyone there will be a new Dil video out tomorrow night

(A/N: there is a new Dil video tonight so I prepared! And there is Dan and Phil on BBC1 tonight for the christmas special (9-10pm))

I went to my room, thinking about my own YouTube channel. I knew I wanted to start one soon, but I needed a name.

Lexi... LexiMoo? No.

Lexi... Lexi...

Lexi LH? That had a nice ring to it...

I walked out of my room again and to the living room where Dan was editing.

"Hey Dan... I was wondering... could I borrow the camera?" I asked shyly.

"Sure, I've taken all the files off it that I need," Dan said, un-plugging it and passing it to me, "Do you want me to help you set it up?"

I shake my head, "You're busy editing... I'll ask Phil." Dan nods.

I go to the kitchen and find Phil... crying?!

"Phil?" He looks up at me, "I... err... I'm sorry I..." he stands up quickly and wipe his tears away. I go over to him and hug him, "What's going Philly?"

He laughs at the nickname, "I am so fed up!" He exclaims.

"About what?" I question.

"Everyone hates me..." he said.

"No they don't Philly!" I say, hugging him.

"They do Lexi! Look," he brings out his phone.

It was a twitter page called; IhatePhilLester and it had 2 million people following it, "Over half of my YouTuber subscribers hate me!" He wines and breaks into tears again.

"I'll go get Dan..." I say, walking off.

"No! That... that'll make everything worse!" Phil says.

He clicks on the following link and the name right at the top pierced me;

"W... why would Dan do that?" I ask, looking at Phil.

"I don't know..." he whispers.

I loose my temper and I run out the room, "Lexi!" I hear Phil yell out after me.


"What did I do?" Dan asked quickly, worry in his eyes.

"Oh, I don't know, how about following a 'IHatePhilLester' Twitter page!" I yell, showing him the phone.

Dan snatches the phone off me, "I... I don't understand..." he stammers.

"Oh yeah just play the innocent act," I spit.

"Seriously Lexi! That wasn't me that followed! I know it's my account but why the hell would I follow a hate account for my best friend?"

From behind me, I see Phil walk in. Dan ran over to him and engulfed him into a hug, "I swear Phil! I swear on my moms life... that may be my account but... I swear, I wouldn't follow a hate Phil account! You're my best friend!"

My phone bleeps, and I look at the notification; danisnotonfire has posted a tweet

"Dan..." I look at him.

"Yeah?" Dan turns around.

"Do... do you have your phone on you?"

Dan points to the sofa where Dan's phone lay, "Why?"

"It says you have posted a tweet..." I slide across and read it;
Follow this account; @IHatePhilLester ~  lets try to get it to 3 million followers💕

I show it Dan and Dan stares at it, "What the hell is going on?" He questions as he falls into his sofa crease in tears.

Me and Phil go over to him and hug him close. Then I speak up, "I think... I think you have a hacker Dan..."

Rescued by Dan and PhilWhere stories live. Discover now