Chapter 22 ~ george

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This is based loosely off fanfiction_is_life23 's most recent chapter... kinda


After my dad's announcement, the internet went wild. There were non stop texts and I ended up putting my phone onto 'Do Not Disturb' mode and silent.

I returned to school on the 4th January. I was nervous. I knew I wasn't new but I still felt scared.

I walked into the school gates and instantly got a text from George;
Hey if you tell me where you go to school I'll come meet you tonight? x

I smiled and replied;
Sure thing ~ I go to West Ashton's in London x

(A/N: kinda obvious but MADE UP NAME!!)

George sent a reply saying ok and will text me when he was outside. I went into school and met up with Chara, Alyssa, Aimee and Cameron. Of course Misty was still there and gave me looks but I ignored them.

"So how was your Christmas?" Chara asked and we all told each other the gossip going on.

Everyone was hyper when I brought up the situation of Dan and Phil dating.

"Oh yeah," I said, "I met this boy at Starbucks called George... and I am meeting him tonight!" Everyone hugs me and congratulates me.

That all changed though as we left school.

From the distance I could see George, "There he is," I pointed him out to my friends.

"I hate to say it," Chara said, "But he looks like a player to me."

"A player?" I question, "That's insane! George isn't a player!"

We get closer and I soon leave my friends and go with George's to his house.

We go to his room where he casually teaches me how to play Hallo 4. I was doing well and we stayed there for a hour before George turned to me, "I love you Lexi..."

I look at him, "W-what?"

"I love you Lexi..." and he kisses me.

It was amazing. I felt happy as he kissed me. I kissed him back, enjoying the moment with him, our lips moving in sync.

"I'd better take you home," George says as we sepertate and standing up. He puts out his hand and I take it as we walk to my house.

We were a couple of streets away from home when George turned to me. He took my shoulders and pushed me into a alley way next to us. I landed on my hands and knees and I turned to see him walking towards me darkley.

"George?" I croaked. I was scared now.

He just smirked and grabbed me and pulled me up abruptly. He pushed me against the cold brick walls of the building behind me and began to kiss me roughly. This wasn't like before. Not one bit.

He moved his hands everywhere and I felt myself begin to sweat. His hands soon got to my butt where he would move them and I felt scared.

🌟TRIGGER WARINING! (yep. u guessed it)🌟
Then he started to remove his clothing. First his trousers and then his boxers. He then got condoms and put two on. Only then did he look into my eyes, "Let's have some fun, yeah?"

I went to scream out but he, somehow, had a rope and used it to gag me. I stood there, shaking as he removed my blazer, shirt, bra, skirt and pants. I felt disgusting as he stripped me and soon left me naked but just in my socks and shoes.

He wolf-whistled at me and then he started, sticking his member into me. I wailed out as best as I could through the gag I had secured. George wrapped his arms around my head and tightened the gag even more, and I felt the rope pierce into my skin.

"Don't want you to scream out anymore babe," he said calmingly. He then looked into my eyes, "You're quite tight today you know," George smirked.

Today? What did he mean today??

He thrusted at me till he removed the condoms. He pushed me to the ground and onto my knees. He undid the rope around my mouth, "Suck," he demanded.

"No..." i said as tears now pored down my face.

"What?" George snarled.

"I said n..." George used the opportunity my mouth was open and put it in.

I had to do as I was obeyed to do. George let out a few moans until I felt the warm liquid in my mouth. I gagged and removed my mouth and spat all over the concrete in disgust.

George stood up, pulling on his clothes. I do the same. When he was done and I was, he came over to me and pushed me against the wall again, "You mention this to no-one," he snarls, "And I will meet you everyday, after school and do the same. Go to my place, and then go some else to have fun." He then kissed me, "See you tomorrow babe," and ran away from me and in the direction of his home.

I ran home, tears flowing from my eyes. This couldn't be happening. Oh my god.

I get in and slam the door closed.  "You alright Lexi?" I heard Phil call.

"Yeah!" I go upstairs and see Phil in the kitchen. He looks at me and immediately drops the cup of tea he was holding, "Lexi what the hell happened to your face?!"

I got out my phone and put it on front facing camera. Shit, it was obvious where the gag had been, "Erm..."

The glass door opened, "What's gone on?" Dan's voice. Dan walked next to Phil and gawped when he too saw my face, "What the fuck went on?"

How did I cover this?

I looked down at my feet, "I... we..."

Dan and Phil looked at me. There expressions looked annoyed, "Well?"

The line came around from the ends of my lips to under my ear in a thin straight line, "Chara was showing me her... joker look with lip-stick after school as she was going to this party and I said it looked nice on her and she jokingly put the look on me and the lip-stick bow won't come off..."

My dad's didn't seen convinced 100% but I left the room as quickly as I could.

I was scared... would George be there tomorrow?


This book will get better, don't worry...

Hannah xx

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