Chapter 36 ~ Screaming

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*2 weeks later*
Alfie and Zoe went back to Brighton without discussing the thought of adoption any further. I wondered if they really would adopt or not, or if they would carry on trying again for their own generic daughter.

I lay back on my bed and groaned. I was bored. I had gone through Tumblr too many times and I only posted a tweet a minute ago so it was too early to post another. In boredom I got up and walked to the living room where once again I saw my dads make-out.

Oh well Lexi: this is something you will have to get use to I suppose.


I said it loudly so my dads knew my existence was present.

Dan jumped off Phil, "Lexi! Hi... err..."

I just roll my eyes, "Weirdos."

"Oh yeah so you and Jake have never done this?" Phil questions causing Dan to gasp.

"No... well not yet anyway," I laugh.

"Whatever," Phil says.

In the end, the three of us played a very intense Mario Kart 8 Wii U battle on various tracks.

Once we finished playing Rainbow road for the fourth time of Mario Kart rounds, we heard the door knock.

"I'll get it!" I say and get up as my dads carry on playing Mario Kart without me.

I hurry down the stairs as fast as I can in a metal leg. It was my normal one, not my running one so I was going slow.

I get the the bottom of the steps by the door as the person knocks again, "GIVE ME A SECOND!" I yell as I grab the key and turn the key.

I open the door and greeted by the unfriendly face of George.

I go to scream but George covers my mouth, "Shh baby, don't cry."

He removes his hand lightly, "What are you doing here?" I hiss, "You're suppose to be in jail!"

"Let's just say I had some work to do before I left," he smirked and grabbed me.

I scream and he gags me, "Make one more sound and your dead," he hisses. He kicks off my metal leg and then smiles "Let's leave a little trail for you faggot dads," and he cuts a slit on my hand.

Then swinging me over his shoulder, he runs down the building with me and dumps me in a van. He ties my arms and then to a bar at the back of the van, "See you later babe," and closes the door on me leaving me in pitch black.

I sat on the sofa with Phil whilst playing Mario Kart. He kept over taking me and soon we heard muffled voices from downstairs.

"Wonder who it is," Phil asks.

I shrug, "Dunno it could be Jake or a friend or-"

A scream interrupted us from the game. Phil paused and together we tan down the stairs, Phil slipping behind me and crashing into me, causing me to fall, "Ah!" I exclaimed as I toppled.

"Oh my god Dan are you ok?" Phil asks.

I nod and get up, "Come on," and we hurry down the stairs.

Nothing could of prepared us for what we saw.

Lexi's metal leg abandoned outside the flat and a trail of blood leading outwards.

"Oh my god..." Phil said, "Quick Dan! Call 999 and the police! Lexi was kidnapped!"

"You ring PJ and Chris! They can drive us... Oo and Zoe and Alfie and also Martzia and Felix and as well Oli and Joe and Caspar..." I blurt out as I get my phone out and go to the option for emergency, "We nee all the eyes we can get!"

Phil nods and begins calling as the emergency services pick up, "Hello 999 service?"

"Hi we need the police... our daughter has been kidnapped!"

There was a pause as we were put through. I didn't even wait for the police officer to say hello before I began, "Please help! Our daughter has been kidnapped and she can't walk cos of her amputated leg and we don't know where she is..."

"Wo, wo, wo sir," a officer says calmly, "Kidnapped?"

"Yeah!" I exclaim as me and Phil follow the blood trail down the stairs, "She went to answer the door and we heard her scream and as soon as we arrive she is gone!"

"Dan PJ and Chris are on their way and so are Caspar and Joe and Oli. They're gonna call Marcus and Niomi too..."

"Ok we will be at your destination in fifteen minutes..." the officer says


"We will try," the officer reassures, "But it isn't 100% certain."

"Ok... thanks..." and I end the call.

"Everyone is coming," Phil says, "We are all going to meet at out apartment and discuss tactics..."

"Phil we don't have time!" I whine.

"Look, when PJ gets here with Chris, we will go looking. Then we will come back and everyone should be here."

I nod, "Ok."


Danisnotonfire posted a tweet;
Guys Lexi has gone missing... if you see her please let us know. #findLexi2016

AmazingPhil posted a tweet;
INTERNET NEEDED; mine and Dan's daughter Lexi has gone missing... if you see her or anything likewise, please let us know 💕 #findLexi2016

ThatcherJoe posted a tweet;
For once seriousness is needed; @danisnotonfire and @amazingphil 's daughter Lexi has gone missing in London... if you see anything please let them know. #findLexi2016

Zoella posted a tweet;
Help needed in London!
Lexi, @danisnotonfire and @amazingphil 's daughter, has gone missing.
Please let them know if you see anything.

Joey Graceffa posted a tweet;
I know I said I would be going on tour this week but unfortunately I have had to cancel.  @danisnotonfire and @amazingphil 's daugher  Lexi has gone missing and they need all our help. New tour dates will announced soon. #findLexi2016

Connor Franta posted a tweet;
Heading to London for the week to join the search party for Lexi along with QUEEN Tyler Oakley! #findLexi2016

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