New Face

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We were in the woods, the leaves crunching under our feet. I was starting to get tired as the weight on my back got heavier. Soft snores hummed in my ear, making me smile. I look up and see Michi with her hood up and her walkers up ahead. The chains clanked together as we walked. 

"Michi?" I whisper, trying not to wake Ava up. She stops and looks over at me. "Can we rest? I am sorry but she getting heavy." Michi nods and ties up the walkers before taking the bags off of them. She places them next to me as she helped me get Ava off my back without waking her up.

Once Michi gets her off, she puts Ava on the ground, then covering her with a thin blanket. She didn't even stir.

"World is coming to an end as she can sleep like a log." Michi chuckles as we sent up a small but easy to take down camp. I start a small fire and Michi takes her boys to go scout ahead. I sit by the warm fire, letting light flicker off my face. I hear crunching of feet behind me. I grasp my knife the guys had given me and turn to the approacher. It was groggy Ava, not even realizing I had my knife out. I put it away and reach my arms out to her.

Ava was small for her age, she was a premie baby and the Doctors said she may be smaller than normal till she hit her growth spirt. She cuddled into my lap. Her dirty blonde hair got in my face as the wind blew. I rub her back as she snuggles into my chest.

"Mik, can you sing the song?" She asks, her hazel eyes staring into mine, flooding with innocence. I sighed and started to sing while rocking her.

Nothing's gonna harm you
Not while I'm around
Nothing's gonna harm you
No sir, not while I'm around

I look down and I see her smiling so I just continue, never wanting her smile to go away.

Demons are prowling everywhere
I'll send 'em howling
I don't care, I got ways

No one's gonna hurt you
No one's gonna dare
Others can desert you
Not to worry, whistle, I'll be there

I hear her soft snores once again, her face was soft and still had that slight smile. I kiss her forehead before hearing groans and leaves being sloshed around. I put Ava down and grip my knife again. I see two walkers form from the darken woods. Before I can do anything, a blade cuts off the top of their heads. Michonne. I smile when I see her and her boys but It turns into a frown when I see someone behind her. She walked next to Michi. She had blonde hair and wore a coat, with wool on the inside. She had a big black bag with her with the words POLICE on the side. i step closer to Ava and stay there, not letting the woman get her. Michi ties up her boys and walks over to us with the new girl.

"This is Andrea, she is gonna be with us." Michi stated. Andrea looked really out of it, she was breathing heavy and splashes of blood all over her. She put her hand out. I look at Michi and she nodded. I sighed and took her soft hands into my calloused ones.

"What's your name?" She asked. I didn't really trust her but I figured my name wouldn't hurt to bad.

"Mikayla." I pull my hand away and feel a warm small body attached to mine. Ava stood and clinged to me, We never had good things happen when we met people, except for the guys. Andrea bent down to Ava's level and put a small smile on her face.

"Hi sweetheart, whats your name?" She asked. Ava whimper a bit before I rubbed my hand on her back, letting her know it was okay.

"Ava." She said softly, Ava was really shy.

"It's nice to meet you Ava. I am Andrea, your friend Michonne helped me." Andrea said. Ava then walked over to Michi and Michi picked her up. Ava's head leaned against her chest, she was tired, we all were.

"I will take first watch, Mikayla you need to sleep." Michi ordered. I nodded, knowing not to argue and pulled my sleeping bag next to the fire, before snuggling in. The cool fabric hit my skin giving m a chill but I didn't mind. I curl up and look over my shoulder to make sure Ava was okay. I saw her with Michi and knew she was safe. I close my eyes praying for no nightmares, or walkers to disturb me.

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