Chapter Twenty Four: Back again

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Gunshots filled the air. I look down and see his smug face.

God Damn Governor.

More and more came, Rick was running from the bridge and the girls were stranded in the center. Michi was trying to get them.

"MASON! AVA!" I screamed and headed for the door. When I tried to open it, bullets flew towards me and grazed my middle finger. "I"M SICK OF THIS SHIT!!" 

I count to three and open the door, close it and run down the stairs. I open it and see the gate I need to open to get to them. 

"HELP!" I hear Mason and Ava scream, making more determined. I run to the gate, bullets following my footsteps. The lock brakes off from the enemy fire. I run a jump behind the bus for cover. Michi there shooting at the bastard.

"Do you see the girls?" I asks Michi.

"No, I'll cover you!" She shouted back. I stand up and scope out the little blonde hair. I see it and run. I run over the gravel path and dive into the hall grass. As bullets try to find me, I crawl to see two scared little girls. 

"Mikayla!" They both cry and crawl over to me. Once I have them in my arms, the gun fire stops.

"BETH!" I hear Maggie yell and gunfire starts again, but the three of us were hidden so far. It stops again, and we hear a car. I glance up and over the girls as I watch. 

A small box truck heads our way, crashing through the gates and running through the field. I grab the girls and roll to the right, and the truck misses us by an inch.

It just sits there. My curiosity got the best of me.

"Go to Michi, Go GO!" I shouted at the girls. They ran and I began to approach the truck.

"MIKAYLA DON'T!" I heard Maggie yell. I got closer and the back of the tuck fell to the ground. 

Walkers began to pour our.

"SHIT!" I yell. I pull out my gun and Knife and start killing what was near me. I had about 4 bullets left and almost 30 walkers.

Great odds.

Then the gunfire continued. 

I stab walkers left and right to back them away. I saw Hershel stuck over there too. Rick was running from more that were drawn from the gunfire. I shot on walker creeping up behind me.

3 bullets left.

Hershel began to fire at them as well.

"Hershel, Don't tell come for ya!" I screamed, making more of them come to me. I looked and Maggie opened the gate. Her, Beth, Carl and Carol were shooting at them from higher ground. A grey truck came closer. Michi put the girls up on the bus and began to kill the walkers.

"Go damn it go the hell away!" I growled at the oncoming walkers, getting so tired form all of this with my broken body.

Let me tell you, broken ribs and killing walkers mix just right.

The Grey truck pulled up and out came Glenn. I thought he was with Maggie...

Michi helped get Hershel into the truck then the girls.

"Mikayla!" Glenn shouted for me to come, but I was too far.

"GO!" I yelled. He sighed but listened. They got up and closed the gate. They were safe.

Me not so much.

I start to run, but don't get very far. A wall of walkers stop me. I shoot two of them and start to stab more.

One Bullet left.

"Mikayla!" I hear a familiar redneck call, but I ignore and keep going. I go to stab another one, but an arrow does it for me. I look and Rick, Merle and Daryl were running towards me. "Mik we gotta go!"

"I got this!" I snapped. MY anger for the brothers fueled my adrenaline to keep going. But it was runined when a familiar pair of arms grabbed me and hung me over their shoulder. "MERLE PUT ME DOWN!"

"Almost there Mickey Mouse!" HE shouted at me. The four of us got through the gate and then Merle put me down. "Now how bout a Th-" My fist collided with his jaw.

"Mikayla!" Dare shouted and grabbed me and I shoved him away.

"What the hell do you two want!" I yelled.

"Mikayla!!" I turn to see two little girls crying. I quickly run over to them with open arms. They run and cry. Both of their heads shoved into the crook of my neck.

"I was so scared!!" Ava whimpered into my neck. I pull the back and wipe the tears.

"Did they get you, any bites or scratches?" I ask them. They shake their heads. Ava then runs to Michi and Mason looks behind me. I turn and see Dare with a guilty and sad face.

"Mason...." He said softly, and Mason quickly went back to my arms. I picked her up and combed her brown locks.

"You pinky promised Daryl." She whimpered. When she said his name, I saw his heart break in two.

"Mase..I'm sorry...I just-"

"Mikayla, can we go inside?" Mason whispered, but Dare heard her.

"Yeah, lets go sweetheart." I said then looked back at Dare. His face was broken, I saw tears in his eyes he refused to let fall. I did really care for her.

And now she was gone.

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