Chapter Five: Trust

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I wake up and Michi is awake. I pulls her away from the beds, letting the other two sleep.

"Okay, what happened?" I ask her.

"Found out some rough things. Turns out even if your not bitten and you die, you still become a walker." I put my hand over my mouth to quiet myself. Alex might be a walker. I try to shake it off.

"What about this place?"

"Its a town called Woodbury. There are gates so the streets are clear. It looks untouched, but I get a vibe off it Mik, I don't trust it."

"Okay, how do we leave then?"

"The leader, he calls himself the governor, said we can leave whenever. But I don't think this is as easy as it sounds. We still don't have our weapons. This place also has a crap ton of people. I'm not sure about this Mikayla."

"Lets just see how it goes before making any decisions. okay. We will examine the town. Who knows, this maybe a place for Ava to grow up and not be in danger." I point out.

"Mikayla, I don't trust this. There's another shoe that is gonna drop." Michi warns.

"I get that, and I don't think your wrong. But I wanna see this fully, not just instinct. I mean, I found one of my best friends, who helped me raise Ava. I wanna give it a look over. Know what I am dealing with before I start shooting people." I joke, Michi smiles and she shakes her head.

"You always know what to say."

"Known you long enough." I grin. I hear Ava get up. She crawls over to Michi and cuddles into her chest. Michi tenses for a moment before comforting her. Before everything went to shit, Michi had a son. Andre was his name. This kid was too cute. We were with her and her boyfriend, and we had to go on a run. Alex and Ava stayed with Andre and his father, but they were in the woods hunting. When we all got back. Andre and his dad were dead. He committed suicide and took his son with him. It tore her apart. For months she wouldn't touch or go near Ava, which we all respected. Let her greave on her own time. She finally snapped out of it when A walker grabbed Ava, and Michi was the only one around. Now, Michi just tenses up, then relaxes.

"Michi? Where are we?" Ava asks her with a yawn. Michionne strokes her hair.

"I'm not sure, sweetheart. But Mik is gonna check it out for us."

"Is Mur Mur still here?" Ava asks me.

"Mur Mur?" Andrea asks, she stood behind us. I chuckle.

"That is what Ava called Merle when she was first learning how to talk. It stuck and she forever calls him Mur-Mur. It was really cute at first, but Merle then hated it. Daryl would call him that all the time and so would Alex. Drove him mad." I look at Andrea who then sits next to us. "You knew Daryl?"

"Dixon? Yeah. I was with him and Merle when It started. Whole group of us that survived. Daryl was hard headed and loved to lose his temper, but he was one of us. He proved it with Mason."

"Mason?" I ask.

"Mason was this little girl we found, she is about Ava's age. Kid had mental issues, but we accepted her. She clung to Daryl, literally. Daryl took her in as one of his own. She even calls him Daddy now." I started to laugh.

"Daddy Dixon, it fits."

"Yeah, he protected that girl with everything. I wonder if she is still around." Andrea sighs.

"If Daryl's with her, she is alive." I smirk. "And why did you cuff Merle to the roof?" Michi grins and chuckles while Andrea looks embarrassed.

"We were in Atlanta, picking up stuff in this department store. This guy on a horse came out of no where and starts shooting walkers, which attracted more. We got trapped. Guy on the horse was Rick, a sheriff in his town. Merle was on the roof shooting and wasting Ammo." Andrea says.

"Sounds like him." I chuckle.

"Yeah, they he got violent with one of our people T-Dog, calling him a Nigger. That didn't sit well with Rick so He cuffed him to the roof and gave T-Dog the key. We all escaped but T dropped the key down the drain by accident and left him up there. Daryl, Rick, T-dog and our friend Glenn went back for him, only to find his hand and nothing else."

"Merle's one tough son of a bitch. Takes more then some blood loss to kill him." I tell her.

"Only a Dixon can kill a Dixon." Ava quoted.

"That's right Ava." I grinned.

"Alright lets go see this place." Andrea said excitedly. We all got up and Ava took my hand. We open the doors to the town and I was shocked.

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