Chapter Four: I missed you

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Merle brought us into a small room. It had two beds and a bathroom. I put Ava on one of the beds and wrapped a blanket around her. Then I turned my attention to m one handed friend. I hugged him tightly, inhaling the sweat and blood sents from his body.

"I missed you Merle." I croak, holding back tears.

"I missed you too Mickey Mouse." He said while holding me tightly. He let me go and we sat across from each other. "Where's Alex?" My fac fell.

"Last I saw her, she was blown up in a store. She might have gotten out though."

"She's alive, Only thing that can kill a Dixon is a Dixon. I tought you that."

"She ain't a Dixon yet Merle. Never got married them two." Merle sighed.

"Damn shame. Daryl loved that gurl more than anything."

"I know." I said quietly. I missed Daryl. He made me who I was, he was my family. Dare always was there for me. Always.

"Now that ya here, we can go on a search party for him." I looked up into his eyes with hope.


"My baby Brutha, he is still alive. You said so yourself Mickey." Merle grinned. A long pause echoed in the room, all you could hear is Ava's little snores. "What Happened Mik? We went to the house and ya weren't there."

"We waited. Four days and three nights we waited. We ran out of Food, and we need to move. Alex wouldn't budge, she kept saying how you two were gonna be here any minute. I had to drag her out of the house, literaly. After a week or two on our own, we ran into Michonne. She kept us alive. She became our family." I wipe the stray tear that flowed as the next part was heared. "We were on another run. Ava got caught by a walker, so I shot it. Not even thinking of the noise. I grabbed Ava, and walker flood us. Alex got caught by one and yelled for us to go. Michonne dragged us out, and as she went back for Alex......The building blew up. We all had a grenade on us just incase. We stayed around the area for a week, but we had to move on and except the fact she was gone."

"Shit Mickey, I'm sorry." Merle said softly, a stray tear fell from his cheeks as well.

"Where did you guys go anyway?" Merle grinned and raise his eye brow.

"Daryl never told ya?" I shook my head. "Baby Brothda decided Alex deserved more than that shit plastic ring he had given her. So we headed a few towns over, so no one could recongize us adn tell Alex. He found this ring. It was small but had dimonds on it. The band was black and he knew he had to get it for her. As he biught it, the world went to hell. We tried our best to get to the house, but damn walkers and abandoned cars were in the way. Dare lost it when yall weren't there......hell I lost it."

"I lost it after six months of not finding you." I said quietly. Merle puts his real hand on my shoulder. I look up into his worn out face.

" Will find em. I promise." Then he kissed my head and left the room. I think back to the last time a Dixon promised me something.

"Mikayla, get your ass down from that tree!" Daryl yelled. I climb the tree all the way to the top. My heart was broken. The past two days were important to me. I thought Daryl wasn't around due to work but in reality, he was hooking up with Alex.

"Go away Dixon!" I yelled. I sat in the tree. My tree.

"I don't get it Mik! What crawled up your ass! Thought you would be happy for us!" He shouted back. That made my blood boil.

"HAPPY?! ARE YOU SHITTING ME!" I yelled, I could stop now. "You know what yesterday was Daryl? Huh?! It was the day I got lost in the woods three years ago!" His face flooded with guilt. "The day that the only people who gave a damn about me came lookin! That was you and Merle! We were supposed to carve into THEE tree yesterday. You never showed up. I though ''oh maybe he is busy, I got tomorrow.' Only to find you hooking up with my older sister!" I screamed. Silence filled the air.

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