Chapter Seven: Turning

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"Looks like you're sitting pretty at the end of the world." Andrea comments. He smirks slightly.

"Do I strike you as the kind of man who sits pretty?" He asks.

"Yes."I mumble, which earned me a nice knick to the shin from Michi.

"You reap what you sow." The Gov tells us. "We're the seed. Now winter had passed it's time to harvest."

"Time to hope?" Andrea asks.

"We're going out there and we're taking back what's ours." He says heroically. "Civilization. We will rise again. Only This time we won't be eating each other." We all stare at him. Michi is trying to figure him out. Andrea is feeling around and I'm just holding on to Ava for dear life. Feeding her a damn apple, that I stole a few slices from. Andrea smirks then raises her cup of tea-or whatever they gave her.

"To Civilization, then." She says as a toast. Ava raises her apple and reaches over to Andrea's cup.

"CLINK!" She says as she "cheers" with them. We all chuckle and there is a knock from the door.

"Excuse me." The Gov says as h goes to open the door.

"Hows the Tea?" Milton asks. Andrea nods in saying its good. I look to see a large black man whispering to the Gov as he stares at us. The Gov nods and closes the door.

"Sorry to cut breakfast short, but this can't wait." The Gov says.

"We want our weapons." Michi growls.

"Well we can make this meal to go and your weapons will be waiting outside." The Gov says.

"Perfect." I say but he puts his hand up.

"But you should take some time to relax. Get your strength back. Have a look around, Who knows?You might like what you see." With that we leave his house or shelter and go to the street. Michi the first to speak.

"I don't trust him."

"Why not?" Andrea asks. 

"I'm on Michonne side. He just a sweet talker." I tell Andrea as I hold Ava's hand. I notice the black man once more, watching us.

"Have either of you ever trusted anybody?" Andrea asks. Michi glares at her.

"Yeah." Michi says.

"Then give this a day or two that's all I'm asking." Andrea says as she walks with happiness.

"A lot can happen in two days, hell a lot can happen in an hour." I point out to her.

"This could be good for all of us. Wouldn't you like to not have to keep Ava hidden in trees and fear for her life? Plus this gives us some time to get our shit together." Andrea says.

"My shit never stopped being together." Michi said.

"Didn't look that way when Milton asked you about your walkers." Andrea said.How dare she say that! "I'm surprised he didn't get a fork in his eye."

"It's none of his damn business." I growl.

"Guess it's none of mine either." Andrea says, trying to play the guilt card. We both stop and look at her. She turns to see us. "Seven months together, all we've been through. I still feel like I hardly know the three of you." We glare at her. I was so pissed. "I'm sorry but it's the truth. You know everything about me. And I-"

"You know enough." Michi cuts her off.

"Those walkers were with us all winter long, protecting us, and you took them out without hesitation. That, That had-"

"It was easier than you think." Michi states. Ava clings to my legs as she feels the tension rising. Michi was holding back tears, and Andrea didn't see it.  Michi walked away and Andrea jus stood there.

"Happy now?" I spat at her. I pick up Ava and walk away. What the hell was Andrea doing? What was this becoming?

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