Chapter Thirty-Five: Buzz Buzz

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I woke up to something jumping on my stomach. I groan in pain as my eyes slowly open. There were two little girls with giant smiles on their faces.

"Wake up! Wake up Mikayla! Wake up!" Ava shouted as her and Mason jumped on me.

"Okay, okay. I'm up." I cough out. "What's up kiddos?"

"We wanna go play outside!" Ava said with excitement. Mason nodded. I know she isn't much of a talker so, I get what she wants.

"What does this have to do with me?" I teased. Ava groaned and flopped onto my chest. I let out a big oof as she lands on my lungs. "Alright, I'll come, but I need you to get off me."

Both girls quickly got off and ran to the cell door. They both stood there bouncing with excitement. I shook my head at their giggles and got up. I made sure I had my gun and knives on me, just incase. The two little ones then grabbed my hands and pulled me towards the exit. I saw Beth with Judith, and I gave her the come with us look. She got up and all of us went out to the courtyard.

Merle and Daryl were against the fence on watch, while Michonne and Maggie were talking about something. The girls quickly began to chase each other, their giggles filling the courtyard. I began to play "monster" and chase them. It was hard to see them laughing, and not cowering form the outside. If I could make them smile, I would.

Everyone was smiling at the girl's giggles. I saw Carol come out with Carl. Carl looked like he wanted to play, but he was 'too grown up'. Glenn stopped stabbing walkers to see the little ones happy.

"Tag you're it!" Ava yelled at Mason. Mason the looked around and gave a mischievous smile. She ran to Michi and tagged her.

"Tag you're it!" She said. Michi was surprised and looked at me. I nodded and Michi tagged Maggie.

"You're it." Michi grinned. Maggie gave her the you serious look. Maggie then looked at Carl and started to go towards him.

However, Carl caught on and ran.

Maggie was chasing him, Ava and Mason. We were all laughing and having a good time. I even saw Rick come out with a small smile. It seemed like time had stopped once again, letting us have a moment.

I knew this was my last moments with them like this. Tonight, I am going to trade myself. It keeps everyone alive and safe. No one would stop me. I am gonna leave a note, explain that I am Maria and that I left to keep them all safe.

What broke me out of my thoughts was a yellow thing flying my me and buzzing.

A bee.

I squealed and began to run away. I have a horrible fear of bees. I flailed my arms around, hoping it would go away. I could still hear the buzzing, so I ducked and ran the other way. It finally stopped and I stopped moving. 

No bees. 

I took a breath and stood up straight. I looked to see everyone looking at me.

"What?" I asked confused. Carl then bursts out in laughter. I see everyone giving little chuckles, but Carl's face was so red I thought he would stop breathing. "What?"

"You were running around like a weirdo!" Carl howled with laughter. I look next to him to see Rick laughing at me. Carl laughing, that was fine. But Fuck Rick.

"What are you braying at, jackass? " I snapped at Rick. He shook his head.

"The hell were you running from?" He asked, trying to hold in his laughter.

"There was a fucking bee!" I squealed, throwing my hands out in frustrations. Everyone then broke out in laughter. "The hell is wrong with that?"

"You. Of all people." Glenn said. "Are afraid of bees."

"It's a perfectly rational fear!" I protest.

"Are you allergic?" Carol asks me. I scratch the back of my neck.

", I mean not that I know of." I explain.

"Ya ever been stung?" Daryl asks me.

" But they are nasty as things!" I shout. I look out of the corner of my eye to see the two girls buzzing around the benches. Everyone was laughing, and yeah it sucked it was at me, but my last memory here would be of them smiling.

Of my Family happy.

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