Chapter Three: No freaking way

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We climb through the forest, Ava on my back so she doesn't fall behind. Andrea wheezes and pushes her self, Michionne following behind her. We reach the helicopter. Smoke pours out of the openings, the tan shell snapped in half. It looked like a military helicopter. Andrea starts to cough and vomit. Michi rubs her back, and I hold her hair.

"You gotta take it easy Drea." I tell her.

"Sit with them, I'll go check it Out." Michi states. She hands me the chains and walks toward the crash. I tight the boys to a tree and help Andrea sit up. Ava climbs of my back and holds Andrea's hand, making her smile. Ava was too good for this world and it made me worry. Andrea coughed more and I rubbed her back trying to help. Michi scoped the area, I held my gun in my hand, incase someone decide to screw with us. We watch Michi. Every step, Every movement we watched. She held her Katana, for possible protection. She ran back to us.

"Someone's coming!" She yelled/whispered.

"Any Survivors?" I asked.

"Two dead, not sure about the other." Michi stated, WE sat and watched. I held my hand over Ava, mouth. So if she got scared she wouldn't be heard. We watch two cars pull up, military trucks.

"Fan out." A man ordered. Men roamed the sight. One of them held up a gun. "Save those rounds unless you need them." He ordered once more. An arrow went into the skull of a walker, making Andrea gag. Men took down walkers one by one. "Got A breather, Tim!" The man yelled.

"Michi...." I said, A walker approached closely. Michi went to get rid of it but Andrea stopped her one of the men killed it as it walked by.

"He's saving them. We should show ourselves." Andrea says. I shake my head.

"No, we have no clue who or what they will do." I whisper. We watch more. They lowered the man to the ground, and the walker boys started to make noise. The leader approached a person on the ground and stabbed him. Michi walked past that person earlier. The Walker boys became restless. The Leader stabbed the survivor and Andrea started to cough. The boys were making more noise and they noticed us. Michi cut their heads off, and the noise stopped. The men looked our way. Fear rose inside for a few minutes.

"Lets roll out." He called. Relief rolled through. Then branches broke behind us, and Michi took out her sword.

"Uh-uh-uh! Easy does it, girl. Mine's a whole lot bigger than yours." The na behind us stated. His voice rang with familiarness that made me smile. "Now, put down your weapons. That's it, nice and easy. And let me see your hands. That's it, nice little twirl around." We start to turn, as we put o weapons down. I then see my best friends big brother. The man who helped keep my ass in line. "Oh, holy shit. Blondie! You're looking... good!" Then Merle turns to me his face softening. "Mickey Mouse is that you?"

"Shit Merle, hell happen to you." I say with a Smile. Ava is jump in up and down in my lap. A walker then comes up behind Merle, and he uses his knife hand to stab it, making the blood squirt all over him. Ava turns away from the Walker with fear.

"Now, how's about a big hug for your old pal Merle?" He says with a smile. Andrea passes out and Ava gets up and hugs him tight. Michi went over to Andrea to make sure she was okay.

"MUR MUR!" Ava shouts as she hugs him tight.

"Hey there Ava, you got big." Merle jokes. "Wait Hold Up!" Merle yells but it was too late. An object went to the back of my skull and everything darkened.


"Have Stevens prep the infirmary." A voice orders. My ears are ringing. I look to see a the voice talkin through a walkie talkie in the car.

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