Chapter Twenty Eight: Fight

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Me and Dare finally came back down and started to head over inside. I looked to see Michi and Andrea stepping out.

"I'll meet you inside." I told Dare, and head towards my old partners. I got next to Michi, who was trying her best not to look at Andrea. Andrea seemed to have a bug up her but.

"You two poisoned them." Andrea growled.

"I just told them the truth." Michi stated. Andrea stopped and look at both of us.

"I didn't choose him over you guys. It was low to say that Mikayla."

"Seemed like it." I snorted.

"I wanted a life." Andrea spat. "Once we entered Woodbury, you both became hostile."

"That's cause I could see it." Michi said calmly.

"See what?"

"That he had you the moment he was in your line of sight. You wouldn't dare see the issues that were there. You were blinded Andrea." I explained.

"That is no true!"

"And you still are." Michi put bluntly.

"No, I am there because those people need me." Andrea snapped.

"And what about the others, about us?" I asked her, hurt from her words.

"I am trying to save them too!" Me and Michi scoff at her words. 

"I did not realize the messiah complex was contagious." Michi growled.

"Go to hell, Michonne. You too Mikayla." Andrea spat then began to walk away.

"He sent Merle to kill me and Ava, then bring back Mikayla." Michi told her, making her stop. "Would have sent him to kill you, too, if you had come with us."

"But you didn't, did you? Nah you chose a warm bed over us, over your friends." I snapped.

Andrea just stood there.

"That's why I went back to Woodbury. To expose him for the monster he is. Even if it would hurt you." I told her. Andrea slowly began to turn around. She looked at us with guilt and sadness. Me and Michi just began to walk away, her eyes following us as we left.

As we entered the prison, I could hear yelling. Me and Michi looked at each other, then ran to the noises. Daryl and Merle was fighting in the main area, Carol yelling at them both to knock it off. Glenn was stopping Maggie and her to intervene. Hershel was yelling at them to knock it off, but couldn't get over. Beth held Judith in her arms and shielded the two small kids from the fight. Carl stood there, not moving and not fazed by it.

"The hell is going on?!" I growled. 

"Daryl came in, yellin' at Merle then started to beat the living hell out of him." Beth told me.

"Get the kids out! Carl, give me a hand!" I shouted. Carl snapped out of it and came over to me, he still had his body armor on him, which would help. Daryl was on top of Merle and was slamming his fists in to his face. I looked at Carl. "I'm gonna pull Daryl off him, you keep him away while and move Merle."

Carl nodded and bent his knees ready to move. I wrapped by arms around Dare and yanked him backwards. I shoved him towards Carl, who moved in front of him to block him from lunging at Merle again. I pulled Merle up and pushed him back towards Maggie and Carol, who helped me calm him down.

"Damn Bastard!" Daryl growled and moved Carl out of the way. He lunged at Merle, but I got in front. Daryl threw a fist, and I dodged it then sent one a quick stab of my fingers into his ribs. Daryl growled in pain and kneed me in the face. I fell, but moved my leg, so he fell as well. My ribs began to burn. Daryl was on his back and I jumped on top of him, trying to hold down his arms.

"Dare Enough!" I yelled, but he still saw Red.

 Dare head butted me, and bucked his body so I would lose my grip. My legs clung on to him and My head pulsed in pain. I felt liquid drop from my face, but I ignored it. I grabbed Daryl's face and began to yell. 

"DARYL SNAP THIS SHIT OFF! ENOUGH!" The room became silent, except for the little whimpers of the girls. Dare blinked and guilt filled his face. I rolled off of him, trying to catch my breath. Daryl got up, and bolted. I saw Rick about to go after him.

"Rick don't." I told him. "Leave him be."

I began to cough from my labored breathing, and I leaned over. Blood began to fall from my mouth. Splattered blood and little pools of it painted the floor. 

This is what I get, when I am the only one who gets the stubborn, hot headed Rednecks.

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