Chapter Twenty Seven:Till the end of the line

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After my beautiful speech, I went up to the guard tower. As much as Rick yelled at me, due to possible snipers, I didn't care. Once I got up there, I kicked the dead body over and plopped my ass down. I lit a cigarette and inhaled the smoke. My head fell back into the concert wall, leaving a slight pain but I didn't care.

The world I once saw beauty in was beginning to disintegrate. The field that I watched little girls run in, were now filled with blood and death. The safe gates that once gave people hope were now destroyed. The bright blue sky was now darkened with harsh reality.

"Ya think any harder, ya eyes will pop out." A rugged redneck voice called by me.

"Thinkin' might actually get ya somewhere." I told him. As I stared at the broken world, I held up my pack for him to take one. He did and plopped next to me as he lit it. I continued to stare at the world in front of me, ignoring his presence.

"Ya know, It be great if ya talked to me." He voice said, his rough voice hurt slightly.

"It would be great if I had anything to say Dare." I mumbled, Inhaling more smoke to help.

"Ya could start with what chinaman said." My body went cold, the hair on my skin stood up. "I heard 'im. Start Talkin'."

"Nothin' to say." I spat and tossed the filter. I went to stand up, only to have a calloused hand yank me back down. He turned my head to face him.

"That's bullshit." He snorted. His face then softened with concern. "Mik, talk ta me. Please."

"Why would I? You just gonna leave me anyway." I said as I pulled my knees into my chest. "Everybody does."

"I won't. Not again." Dare protests.

"Nah, you will just pity me to death." I scoff. "Or blame me again about Alex."

Silence grew between us. Walkers moans were heard as the pain grew.

"I shouldn't of said that." Dare mumbled. "It ain't ya fault. Shit happens."

"That's where you are wrong Daryl." I sniffle. "I got her killed. It was my fault."

Tears began to fall, but I wouldn't show them. It made you weak. I buried my head in my legs, hiding the weakness.

"I pulled the trigger. I drew the walkers. I got her killed." I said, my voice cracking with every word. "It was my fault I couldn't keep her safe. I was my fault the Governor began to pick us off. Its my fault that...that...that..."

I couldn't keep it up. I began to sob. Something like that isn't easy to say. If I wasn't so damn stupid, I wouldn't of drank that whiskey. If I wasn't so cocky, I would have noticed the bubbles. If I wasn't so damn arrogant, I would have been able to fight him off.

"The hell he do to you Mikayla?" Dare whispered. He slowly snaked his arms around me, but I pushed the away. He fought me and pulled me against him. I squirmed, but lost. I ended up sobbing into his chest.

"I lost the fight." I croaked. My hands held onto his shirt tight. The smell of smoke and trees were comforting to me.

"Tell me baby girl, what did he do to you?" He cooed as he stroked my hair. It was just like I was thirteen again, running from my house to his for comfort.

"He...He...He....." I couldn't.

"Ya can do it. I'm here, Mik. I ain't leavin' again." He said softly as he rocked slightly.

"He touch me." I whispered. Tears began to fall harder as the images of that night filled my head. "He drugged me....and touched me."

Daryl's grip tightened with Anger. Not from me, but from the Gov. 

"Merle knew.....and didn' do nothin'. He tried to bring me back." I sobbed. Daryl Shushed me, and rocked more. His rough hands became soft as he comforted me. "Why me? Why can't I catch a break?"

"Shhh I got you baby girl." He whispered.

We spent what seemed like forever, holding each other in comfort. My tears slowly dried, leaving me with a migraine and puffy eyes. Daryl never let go. He held me and I felt tears of his. Guilty tears.

"I ain't lettin ya go again. We will fight till the end." He tells me.

"Till the end of the line?" I ask him. I felt him smile.

"Till the end of the line."

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