Chapter Thirty-Nine: The New Plan

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Michonne and I came up with a great plan to remove a shit ton of walkers and protect the prison.

Carl, Maggie, and Beth all had got pots. We got them poles and sticks to use. They banged on the pots, which alerted walkers. Then through the fence, they could stab them as they got closer. 

While the Walkers were distracted by the noises, Glenn and Daryl unloaded the truck. Glenn and I made these sticks and barbed wire planks to rip apart tires. Dare and Glenn nailed them to ground. Michi and I Both had our blades to keep the walkers away.

Once Glenn and Daryl nailed them to the ground, we all loaded up in the grey pick up truck. Fortunately, Rick was there to let us back in. I figured one of us would have to jump out and do it. Once we got into the courtyard, Rick closed the gate and jogged up to us. Glenn got out of the driver's seat and began to explain this to Rick.

"They try to drive up to the gate again, maybe some blown tires will stop them." He said to Rick.

"That's a good Idea." Rick agreed.

"It was Michonne's." Daryl said, giving Rick a glare of some sorts. Rick seemed off put by the fact it was her idea.

"We don't have to win." Michi explained. "We just have to make their getting at us more trouble than it's worth."

"Yeah, and let me tell ya. Barbed wire and tires aren't a great combo." I added. Rick just gave a small nod and just seemed uncomfortable. 

I know Michi is intimidating,but really?

Rick suddenly came back to reality when he heard the gates open. Out came our fence patrol looking proud as ever. Rick slowly began to glance at Daryl, who gave him a nod. I was so confused, what are they hiding?


As I began to get things in order, a heard of pattering feet echoed behind me. They were light, as if it was only toes touching the ground. Ava was never light on her feet, which left one little person left. 

I turned to see Mason, her head was low as if she was trying not to be seen. Her stuffed animal was not in her hands, which was unusual for her. Her long dark locks covered her face, and a large light gray sweater hung off her shoulders. It went down to her knees, past her dark jean capris. She didn't even notice I was looking at her.

"Mason?"I called to her softly. She jumped at my voice, becoming startled. Her face was red and swollen. Her eyes shined with tears and her nose sniffled every moment it could. My heart broke just looking at her. I ben to her level, my knee cracking as it came closer to the ground. "What's wrong baby-girl?"

Her sniffles turned into tears, and her little arms wrapped around my neck. Mason's sobs made her shake violently while her breaths became quicker. 

"I...*hick*...can't...*hick*....stop." She sobbed into my chest. I quickly understood. It was a panic attack. I used to get them when my mom's friends would come over sometimes. 

I wrapped my arms around her tightly as I rested her ear to my chest. Her ear listened to my steady heartbeat. My lips laid on the top of her head. After a few minutes, I pulled her face into my hands so she looked at me.

"Mase, follow me." I told her. Her beautiful blues stared into me. "Take a breath...hold it!"

She followed me until she held breath. A sob broke through making her start up again.

"Mase, you got this. Breath in...hold it!" She did it and no sobs broke through. "Now let it out slowly."

After a few times, she stopped hyperventilating and I got her to stick with me. I broke the cycle she was in and now she calmed down.

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