Chapter Thirty Two: My Favorite Idiots

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Can we please discuss the trailer that was released?
I mean that Tiger!!!!!

After the whole getting yelled at, Rick told me he wanted my ass with them on the meeting. I thought it was stupid they were meeting in the first place, but hey, I am not allowed to say anything. Rick is still pissed at me, but this was more important.

I sat on the back Of Daryl's bike, the engine roared as we moved. There was a mill, rusted and old, that we were congregating at. Daryl stopped, with Rick and the others in the back of the green car. Rick was the first to step out. He signaled Hershel to stay put, while Daryl, Rick and I went forward.

Daryl lead, his crossbow ready to fire. I held my daggers plus had a load gun on my hip. Rick followed in the back with his gun. We went past the canisters, checking every crack for some asshat with a weapon. Once we passed those, Daryl stopped us and signaled to follow.

We quickly ran to another group on canisters, giving us protection and possibly the upper hand. From there, we went to the wooden shack, with metal covering the roof. Place looked like it was about to fall apart if someone blew on it. As we continued to look out, Dare found a fresh killed walker, tellin' us we weren't alone.

Rick pointed to the other building, he was gonna go  though a different end. Me and Dare nodded, then went off to the other side with a broken window. We got there, but Rick was inside already with The Governor. 

"You attacked us. Makes things pretty clear." Rick told him sternly.

"I was trying to make things clear." The Governor said calmly. Man, what I wouldn't give to strangle his ass now. "I could have killed you all. I didn't."

"And here we are." Then the governor moved towards his weapon, making Rick put his gun up and ready to pull the trigger.

"I'm gonna remove my weapon. Show that I mean to negotiate in good faith. I'd like you to do the same." He told Rick. Don't you dare Rick. "May I?"

Rick let him remove his utility belt that held his guns. He then showed it to Rick and put them on a hanger.

"See? No trouble." He gave Rick a grin the made my stomach churn. "Now You."

Rick then pulled back his gun, and placed it in its holster.

"Well...suit yourself." He chuckles and sits down. 

Daryl pulls me away, knowing I may pull the trigger myself. Hershel pulls up to us as we begin to move from the window.

"He's already in there." Dare told him.

"Sat down with Rick and expected him to disarm." I snorted.

"I don't see any cars." Hershel says as he looks around.

"It don't feel right." Dare says.

"No shit, this ain't right. Where is the other shoe." I grumble. "Keep the car runnin'."

As if on cue, cars are heard. Dare pulls out his crossbow to aim while I pull my gun. In pulls a large tan car, beat up ti hell. It pulls up right in front of us with Martinez Driving and Andrea in the passenger. Milton appears out of the back, and began to laugh.

"Milton, really?" I question.

"What the hell? Why's your boy already in there?" Daryl snapped at Andrea.

"He's here?" Andrea asked shocked. I began to laugh even harder.

"Yup, now we got blondie, Taco and Einstein. What a combo!" I laugh and snort. Andrea sighs and walks inside. "I give it five minutes before she comes back out."

Each of us retreat to out vehicles. Hershel and me leaned on the Car as Daryl paced. Martinez and Milton were by there vehicle, except Milton looked so out of place. He was writing things and all.

"Maybe I should go inside." Hershel suggested.

"The Governor thought it best if he and Rick spoke privately." Milton spoke up.

"Who the hell are you?" Daryl questioned.

"Milton Mamet." Milton said.

"AKA his bitch." I muttered. Dare looked at me and chuckled before going into his tough guy face.

"Great. He brought his butler." Daryl said, making Martinez and me laugh.

"I'm his advisor." Milton corrected.

"What kind of advice?"

"Planning, Biters...uh you know, I'm sorry. I don't feel like I need to explain myself to henchmen and their basket case." Milton snapped. I lunged at him, only for Dare to pull me back.

"You better watch your mouth, sunshine." Daryl snapped.

"Look, if you and I are gonna be out here pointing guns at each other all day, do me a favor shut your mouth." Martinez snapped. Dare walked right up to Martinez.

"we don't need this." Hershel said, trying to be the voice of reason.

"I don't mind shooting this puta." I growl. My ribs ache from that asshole.

"If all goes south in there, we'll be at each other's throats soon enough." Hershel pointed out. Dare did walk away but I glared at Martinez.

"Give me a reason." I hissed at him.

This was going to be a long day.....

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