Chapter Thirty One: A smile for once

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A/N: the spots that are italicized and in the middle are things happening while the group is doing their thing.


"Are you sure about this?" I ask for the hundredth time. Rick decided that him, Michi and Carl were going on a run. Rick barley has his head on straight, and I don't want Michonne getting hurt. 

"They need to trust me, Mik. This is how it will start." Michi says as she puts her sword on her back. She gives me a kiss on the forehead as she walks over to the car. 

They drove off as Merle opened the gate for them. The field was still filled with walkers, so we were stuck with the courtyard only. It sucked the girls didn't have grass to play in, but the swing I made them still keeps them entertained a bit. They just had to take turns.

"What ya thinkin' about princess?" Merle asked as he came towards me. His metal can of a hand went around my shoulders as we began to walk inside.

"I don't trust Officer Dipshit. And he just left with my best friend." I grumble as we head towards the door. He chuckles and shakes his head.

"Now, little niggerette will be just fine." Merle said. I elbowed him in the ribs, and he winced in pain.

"Don't be a dick. That is my family." I hiss. I went back inside, with Merle's voice echoing behind.

"Thought that's what we were." 

The hallways were cold, which were surprising considering Georgia was making us sweat everything now a days. The blood stained the ground, hand marks dragged on the walls with claw marks. They were trying to get out. 

Moans filled the darkness. I leaned against the wall, and pulled the blade from my boot. I got my grip on the handle as the shuffling came closer. I listened for the about of strokes on the ground. With each step, a scuff followed. The foot dragged with it, creating another echo. But With each Step, I head two scuffs. It ment a walker brought company. 

I took a deep breath and grabbed another blade from the other boot. Once the growls and moans got closer, I stepped out to meet two walkers. My blade in my left hand sunk into his eye, while my foot connected to the other walker's ripped chest. I let go of my blade and used a back fist to send the blade into it's neck. 

The walker fell into the wall as the force of the blade made it move. I yanked the other blade from the walker's eye, cloudy fluid dripped from the metal. I landed it in the wounded walker, twisting the blade in the skull. The cracks of the disintegrating skull were loud, but no one else was around.

I stood p and examined the bodies, and pieced their lives in my head.

Both were wearing dark blue, with a belt and holsters. They were guards. The one with a hole in it's eye had a corps tattoo on his bicep. He was ex military. The tan line on his finger means he was married, but it was  broken off. His left side had a giant red stain, it looked like a bullet wound. Poor guy must have bled out. In his pocket I found a picture of an infant. I look on the back, and I felt my heart break.

Little Baby Lilly
June 18th, 2010- December 25th, 2010

The baby died on Christmas. It must be heart breaking to loose a child. I put the picture in his chest pocket. and closed the guy's eye. Letting him be with his loved ones.

The other man was very buff. A long scar went from his left hand around to his bicep. It was deep and fairly new depending on when he died. On his belt I found a set of keys.

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