Chapter Two: Leave

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The wait for Michi was becoming too long. Andrea wasn't keeping any food down and was getting weaker. I cover Ava with a blanket as she sleeps on the ripped up mattress, stained with god knows what. I kept her on the other side of the room away from Andrea, just incase. Then i hear the walker boys groan. We used them as an alarm system. I crack the door open to see Michi.

"Thank god your here." I sigh. She smiles.

"Can't get rid of me that easily." She jokes and comes into the freezer. She comes inside, and panics. WE don't see her. I follow Michi into the other room where Andrea is curdled up in the corner, heavy breathing echoing the room.

"What you doing out here?" I ask.

"I needed some light." Andrea groans. Michi helps her sit up. She unwraps some meds and holds it to her mouth.

"Take this." Andrea puts it in her mouth and Then Michionne takes out a water bottle. She holds it up to Andrea's lips for a small sip. Then she rests it on Andrea's forehead.

"How is it out there?" Andrea asks.

"Same. It's quiet." Michi states, Andrea smirks.

"You're lying." 

"We should go in a few days." Michi states, worry slightly covers her face and Andrea picks up on it. 

"They're coming, you should go."Andrea groans.

" No. " Me and Michi say at the same time.

"I'll hold you back! Go! I can take care of myself! I saved your ass all winter didn't I?"Andrea says with a smile and then starts coughing violently. I hold th water up to her and she smacks it away. "I won't have you dying for me! Good soldier won't leave your post. Screw you. "

"We'll go in a few days." Michi states. She starts to get up, but Andrea's statement makes her freeze.

"If we stay, I'll die here. " We leave the room.

"Pack up everything. Michi tells me then helps Andrea. I go over to little Ava, she looks so peaceful, like the world wasn't ending. I shake her slightly.

"Ava, we gotta go." I whisper. Her eyes flutter open.

"Is Michi here?" I smile.

"Yeah, she is. Come here." I open my arms to her to pick her up. Ava was small enough for me to carry  her. It helped that our walker boys were carrying the bags.

Michi opens the garage door, chopped logs scattered around us. Andrea follows behind the walker boys, holding a small rag around her. I stand behind her, making sure nothing happens to her. Ava sits on my back, she was falling asleep again. The only noises were the walker groans and teh chains around their necks.


WE walk down the highway, surprisingly there weren't any walkers. Thats a plus. Andrea was being supported by Michi and Ava was walking and holding my hand. The hot air surrounding and clinging to our sweaty skin. Man would I love a shower.

"Hey Mik, tell us a story." Michi says, to lighten the mood.

"Like what?" I chuckle.

"Tell the one when you met the boys!!" Ava shouts. She loved that story. 

"You have heard it a thousand times Ava." I smirk.

"I never heard this story." Andrea says softly. 

"Alright, Alright, no need to gang up on me." I laugh.

"Me and Alex and my mom moved into this knew house. It was small but it worked for us. There was a Forrest and creek behind the house which I loved. Everyday I would walk up and down the block to explore."

"You go to school at all?" Andrea asked.

"Ehh sorde of, now hush let me finish." Andrea chuckled and I continued. "Everyday I walked past this cabin, it looked beaten up and everyday there would be a this guy smoking a cigarette, just sitting there. One day I walked up to him. I said Hey you gotta an extra. He looked at me funny. He responded How old are ya? I told him 16. I was lying of course, I was 12 but i could hold my own. He smirked and gave me one. Everyday I did this. Then he asked me how old I actually was and I told him I was 12. He was shocked but laughed. Said I got balls for a girl. I then hung out with him and his older brother since. We were inseparable." I smiled at the memory. "We will find them one day, I know it." 

"Sound like a good friend." Michi said.

"The age difference was huge, but I acted older than I was and head that mind set so they didn't mind as much."

"Do you think we will find them?" Ava asked. I squeezed her hand. 

"Yes, I know it." Then a helicopter past, but black smoke followed it and it crashed into the woods. "Guys we should check it out, see if there is supplies." I suggested. Michi nodded and we headed into the trees.

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