Chapter Twenty Nine: Clean up

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Dedicated to ReedusBxtch and Shany316 

Shany316 help me breath again after reading ReedusBxtch Mac story. Go check them out!!!

While everyone gave Andrea their goodbyes, Me and Merle stayed inside where I could patch him up. His right eye was swollen, and his nose was bleeding. Above his eyebrow, he had a nice gash from Dare's knuckles. I took the semi clean cloth and began to wipe at the wound, only to have him wince.

"Stop being a little bitch." I told him. WE both stared at each other, then began to laugh. "That was me trying to be a hard ass to ya."

"Nah, we all know ya one sassy girl." Merle chuckled. I continued to clean up his face.

"The hell happened Merle? Whatcha do this time to piss him off?" I asked.

"He came in here throwing fists. Yellin' bout how I ain't helped ya. How I shoulda helped ya." Merle tol me. I sighed and slouched with defeat.

"Thats my fault." I told him, then looked him straight in the eye. "I told him what happened in Woodbury and when we left. He knows."

"I guess I deserve that beating." Merle chuckled with sadness. I could tell he was hurting inside too.

"Why ya so hard on 'im? He's been through hell and back, and still is on top." I asked him. "I know ya a big brother and all, but there is a limit Merle."

"I saw 'em." Merle practically whispered. "The marks. I saw 'em the day we came back to the prison."

"Did ya know?" Merle's head hug loose, as if he was disappointed or ashamed.

"I left cause I couldn't take it Mik. Man was horrible. I left to the army." Merle said, then sat back with his body slouched forward. "I knew it could be possible, but I didn't think he would. Thought ma Baby Brudder would be able to hold out till I got back."

Merle then looked up at me and smiled.

"Then he lived with me and met your sorry ass." He chuckled. "Man, are some crazy kid ya know that? What 12 year old tricks two guys twice her age in to givin' her smokes?"

"Pshh, that was just a small thing on the list." I smirked.

"Then he met Alex....and I ain't ever seen him happier. then Ava came, and it was nice. Havin' our little family." Merle smiled. "You're older sister, she was somethin'. Girl had a real fire in her. I swear, watching her try to teach Darylina how to do baby sit was more entertaining than May-belle and her bulls."

"Not somethin' I wanna picture Merle." I laughed. I haven't had a chance to laugh with a Dixon in over two years. It was something to cherish.

"Mikayla?" I turn to see two little ones standing at the barred entryway. Mason and Ava had their arms connected, linked as an unbreakable chain.

"Hey girls, come here." I smiled. Ava pulled Mason to us. Ava jumped on to Merle's lap while I picked up Mason and placed her on my lap. "Mase, ya ever meet your Uncle Merle?"

Merle looked surprised, but then relaxed into a warm smile towards Mason. Mason shook her head as she looked at the big goofball of a Dixon.

"Is he the Moron?" Mason asked softly, but we heard it. Merle looked at me confused, while I just laughed. She was talking about the story I told her, about the idiot and his Moron Brother.

"Yeah, thats him." I told her. "But he is real nice. Why dontcha say hi?"

"Hi." She squeaked. Merle put his hand out and smiled.

"Hey Darling. Whatcha name? Gal like you must have a beautiful name." Merle said to her. Mason smiled shyly, her hair blocking her face.

"Mason. My Name is Mason Landson, I am 7 years old and I have Asperger's Syndrome." She said as if she was reading off a script. 

"Ya mean Mason Dixon." Merle corrected, making Mason smile. "Cause, ya a Dixon now."

Mason then slowly climbed into Merle's lap next to Ava. He was surprised by the girl's actions, but he wrapped a protective arm around her as she snuggled into his chest.

"Whatcha girls doin' anyway?" I asked. Ava sighed and pouted.

"Me and Mason ran out of Coloring books, and Carl isn't here to read comics with us. Beth is saying goodbye to Andrea right now." Ava explained. It was hard for kids to keep their innocence now. When I was a kid, I would go to the park......

"Lets fixed that, alright?" I told Ava and got up on my hunt. 

I found some rope and duck tape in Rick's cell. I then grabbed My two shirts and began to work. 

At the end of the rope, I cut a separate piece off and tied it to the rope, creating a triangle. I did that to two pieces, then used the duck tape to attach the pieces together with the shirt. It was a little pocket. Then I used the other shirt to put on the back of the rope, with the triangles facing forward. After taping that together. I step back to see the little seat. I smiled and grabbed my little makeshift, then headed to the higher floor. 

I tied the loose rope ends to the railing and let it drop. I climbed down the stairs to meet up Merle and the girls. The Girls looked so excited.

It was a swing. I used to love swinging in the park, Alex would take me after school almost everyday.

Mason was the first to get on, and Merle pushed her lightly. People began to enter the cell block and look at my contraption of sorts. 

Carol, Glenn and Hershel looked impressed, and stared at each part of it. 

Beth and Maggie smiled at their own memories of a swing.

Carl looked shocked, as if his past came back to him.

Daryl watched his little girl smile with her Uncle.

Rick had a scowl on his face, and looked as if he was about to tear it down.

Michi smirked in the corner, proud of what I did.

I gave people a piece of hope, a piece of the past.

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