Chapter Thirty-Four: Choices

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We all stood back at our cars, waiting for the two to be down with this bullshit meeting. Andrea seemed more on her toes and flustered. I didn't blame her, she was stuck. It was her original family against her current loved one.

This is why emotional shit gets you killed.

The creaking of the rusted door echoed in the empty mill. The Governor stepped out first, with a smile on his face. While walking, he looked at me. Chills filled my body as images of that night flashed in my head. Dare could tell and stood closer to me.

All you could hear was the dirt crunching under their boots. The Governor went into his large car with his little minions following. He hopped in to the front, and the whole time had a smile on his face.

Rick got into his, following suit. Daryl and Hershel began to move to their parts. Andrea just stood there and sighed.

"Your move." I said to her, as I walked over to the bike. She then walked over to the Governor's truck as everyone started their engines.

Daryl reeved his bike and began to take point.Her nudged his shoulder, making sure my gun was ready just incase.

This was too clean.

But we drove past, both sides driving away. I couldn't shake the feeling.

The feeling of the other shoe.


WE got back to the prison, and Dare was riding pass the walkers. They didn't even care.

Carol and Carl were there, maning the gate. Carol pulled it open so we could get in, while Carl made sure no stragglers came with. WE parked and we all got out of are things, like hopping off the bike.

Rick got out, and stood. He looked to the fences, that held the walkers. That protected his home.

Maggie and Glenn came over from watch, itching to see Hershel okay.

"Let's get inside." Rick ordered.

Like usually, we all did. 


We all stood inside the cell block. Daryl leaned against the wall, Mason stood in front of him holding one of his hands. Ava was on the other side in Michi's arms. Her head was leaning against her shoulder. She must have been running around earlier.

However Rick was pacing. 

He then went into his cell and pulled out a rifle with a scope. He looked at all of us before speaking.

"So, I met this Governor." Rick began. "Sat with him for quite a while."

"Just the two of You?" Merle asked.

"Yeah." He nodded.

"Should have gone when we had the chance, bro." Merle said as he began to walk away closer to Carl.

"Wow, a Dixon saying somethin' smart. Ain't that somethin'." I tease. Daryl shakes his head while Merle smirks.

"He wants the prison." Rick stated. I saw Daryl begin to move side to side with nervousness. "He wants us gone...Dead...He wants us dead for what we did to Woodbury."

"Why?" Ava asked tiredly."

"Cause he a bad man." Michi whispered to her. "But he ain't gonna touch you princess."

"We're going to war." Rick stated. Then he walked away. Mason turned and buried her head into Daryl's stomach. Glenn and Maggie began to shift closer together. Hershel looked at Rick in pain. Carl just stood there with Beth, unable to feel.

We all knew what this ment. It ment the end.We can't win.

But I don't know what he ain't telling us.

Rick ain't stupid. I mean not that stupid.

So I followed him. I followed him and Hershel to the walkway.

"He gave me a choice." Rick tells him. "A way out."

"What does he want?" Hershel asked him.

"Maria or Michonne." My heart began to crumble. ME or her.

I quickly ran outside to the cleared part of the cell block and puked my brains out.

I had a choice.

Go back to him, and let him violate me. In return, the people I love will be safe.


Let Michi go, and lose someone I hold close to me.

Two Choices.

Two pulls.

One person.

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