Chapter Thirty-Three: Side to Side Bonding

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A very Flustered Andrea came out. I looked at Daryl and leaned close to his ear.

"Told ya so." I whispered. Daryl gave a hidden smirk, that you would really have to look for to see. 

Everyone looked at her. You could tell she was irritated and overwhelmed. Martinez and dorky walked over to her as Hershel leaned against the wall with a large assault rife. It was kinda funny to see one legged Santa with such a big gun. She just plopped on to the rusted blue bench.

"So from 1 to 10, how badly did you get rejected?" I asked her, while smirking. Andrea just sulked her head. 

"Mikayla, that was unnecessary." Hershel said sternly. I rolled my eyes.

Martinez then fully closed the door to the meeting in progress, then leaned on his knees while resting on the fender. Daryl kept pacing back and forth. I though he literally would create a path from his pacing. I could tell it was making Hershel nervous too. But to make my day, Milton began to come over to us.

"There's no reason to use this time we have together to explore the issue ourselves." Milton suggested.

"Boss said to sit tight and shut up." Martinez said, shutting him down.

"Don;t you mean the governor?" Dare corrected. Martinez just shot him a look.

"It's a good thing they're sitting down, especially after what happened." Milton explained. My nostrils flared with irritation.

"You mean the bullshit you created?" I snapped. Milton just shook his head and continued as if I never spoke.

"They're gonna work it out. Nobody wants another battle." I snorted at his ignorance.

"I wouldn't call it a battle." Daryl said. I could tell Milton was getting on his nerves.

"I would call it a battle and I did." Milton defended. I could see Martinez rolling his eyes. He was done with Milton shit more than I was, and that was impressive. Milton held up this little book and Hershel hobbled over with intrigue. "I recorded it."

"For what?" Me and Daryl asked at the same time.

"Jinx." I muttered under my breath.

"Somebody's got to keep a record of what we've gone through." Milton said. "It'll be a part of our history."

"That makes sense." Hershel said in agreement.

"Not if it only comes from one side." I pointed out. "History was multiple sides of the story, not just some asshole with a pen."

"Mikayla." Hershel hissed, then looked at Milton to continue.

"I've got dozen of interviews an-" Milton got cut off by the familiar growling of a hungry walker. I pulled out my knife and twirled it in my hand.

"Looks like we got company." I chuckled. I lead the way as Dare was on my tail. Martinez and Andrea followed us as well.

We walked around the metallic canister to find my targets. Martinez had his gun, and a bat ready while Dare's cross bow was aiming. Then suddenly, Dare dropped his aim and looked at our new "friend."

"After you." He said to Martinez, giving him the first move to take out the walkers.

"No Way, you first." Martinez said as he pointed the bat at the flesh eaters. I rolled my eyes and threw my knife into the farthest one, while Andrea rammed the other into the metal sheets while stabbing it in the eye with a pocket knife.

"Pussy." Martinez said to Dare then sent a bat into the head of another walker, flatting her head completely while splattering blood everywhere. He then looked at Dare, as a taunt.

Dare then quickly advanced as I grabbed my knife out of the dead guys socket. I followed as Daryl sent an arrow in between the walker's eyes knocking it down. Martinez then began to twirl the aluminum bat in his hand and swung another walker down. Me and Andrea looked at each other, and shook our heads.

"Fuckin' testosterone man." I chuckled. Andrea just walked away. I watched as another arrow went through a head into a neck. Just as Martinez went to hit the walker, Dare threw a knife into its head. It was to prove a point. Or show who has the bigger dick.

WE then began to rummage through the bodies. I found some more bullets that could always be needed. Dare was going through the last body while me and Martinez stood, leaning against the wooden pole.

"Look what he's got." Dare said as he lifted up a white box. It was camels, Alex used to smoke those all the damn time. Daryl placed on in his mouth then offered it to us. I took one while Martinez declined.

"Nah, I pefer menthols." He said. Dare placed them into his butt pocket.

"Douchebag." We both say. I take out my zippo as Dare takes out his. WE both light it and inhale the smoke.

"Man, I have been runnin' low. I love these." I say in pure bliss.

"You army or somethin'?" Daryl asks him.

"Nah I just...just hate these things." He says while looking at his bat. "Yeah, after what they did to my wife, kids."

"That made my heartache. I could never imagine losing Ava to one of those things, or Mason. Losing a child is the worst thing in the world.

"Sucks." Dare said. "I've been lucky to keep mine."

I was surprise he shared that, he was usually a reserved guy.

"How old?" He asked Dare.


"Marcus was 8." Martinez said. We all nodded in silence." You guys know this is a joke right? They ain't work anything out. Sure they will do their little dance and tomorrow, the next day...they'll give the word."

"I know." Dare says.

"Guess that's how it is now a days." I shrug, while inhaling more of my cigarette. "Just a show."

Martinez then pointed to the pack in his back pocket. Dare gave him one and I lit it. He nodded in thanks as we just listened to the birds chirp and the crickets echo.

"Sorry for kicking you in the ribs so damn hard. You seem like a decent person." Martinez said to me.

"Eh, shit happens. Just do yourself a favor, get out of there while you can." I tell him. We then go back to the silence.

And know that we will be back at each other's throats once again.

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