Chapter Fourteen: Not My First Rodeo

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Daryl began loading the car. Everyone wanted to come, but only a few were coming. Me, Daryl, Rick and a man named Oscar.

"I got the flash bangs and I got the tear gas. You never know what you're gonna need." Daryl told me as Oscar loaded in more weapons.

"That is why I always come prepared." I chuckle. Dare rolls his eyes at me as he puts his vest on. Carl walks over with two heavy bags, so I take one from him. He is hesitant about it, but he lets me. Carl and I load them in.

"Hey, don't you worry about your old man." Daryl tells him. "I'm gonna keep my eye on him."

Carl nods and they go back. It was nice to see Daryl being like that to him. Mason and Ava were on the benches playing with some dolls. Rick came out and handed Oscar more things to load as he spoke to his son. The grey hair woman held the gate open and the little infant. Hershel made his way down the small stair case as well.

Rick and Carl walked to a area for privacy. Daryl and the others continued to pack. I look over my shoulder and there is Michi. I walk over to her and sigh.

"Michi, I gotta do this." I tell her.

"Not alone. I should be going with you." Michionne said. 

"Not when you are injured. Plus, someone I trust needs to be here with Ava." I point out to her. She groans with frustration when she realizes I'm right. We walk over to the car, and watched their goodbyes. Ava ran up to me and gave me a hug.

"Don't be like Alex, please come back." She whimpered in my ear. I hugged her tight and kissed her forehead.

"I will always come back."


"Promise." I tell her with a smile. Ava then runs to Daryl and little Mason comes over to me.

"Are you gonna bring Daddy home?" She asked me.

"Yup, and if I can, I'll bring your uncle Merle home too." She squealed with excitement. Rick then gets in the driver's seat, with Dare next to him. Me and Oscar sat in the back. Rick drove off, and the prison became smaller and smaller.


After awhile I told Rick pulled over. It was a smart move, cause if we went up close, they could shoot out our tires. That could put us in deeper shit. We all got out, Dare and Oscar went into the back to get the stuff, while Rick came to me.

"They have Patrols. We're better off on foot." I explain.

"How far? Night's coming." Rick asked.

"It's a mile, maybe two. Don't tell me that big bad Rick is scared off the dark." I tease.

"Mikayla...." Daryl warned. They all piled on their gear, and I noticed a walker heading our way. They closed the trunk and we walk into the woods. It was nice in the woods, yes there was shit trying to kill you, but it was peaceful.

As I was leading everyone, I heard Rick talking to Daryl.

"You know, what you did for me, for my baby while I was....working things out. Thank you." Rick told Dare.

"It's what we do." Dare told him. I start to laugh, making Rick on edge.

"Sorry, I just remembered Dare and Ava. The shit we went through." I chuckle. Dare groaned from behind me.

"Like what?" Oscar asked.

"When we had a couple a friends over, we all were having a blast and Daryl has little baby Ava on his lap." I start.

"Mik, don't ya dare." Daryl warned, but I kept going.

"And Daryl notices Ava needs a diaper change, but what he didn't notice was the fact it leaked through the diaper." I chuckle. "So he goes and changes her, but when he comes back he's got piss all down his pants! Looked like he pissed himself!"

"Mikayla...." Daryl growled, but I ignored him.

"And just when I thought he was embarrassed completely, Ava yaked all over him!" I laughed, both Rick and Oscar laughed as well.

"That's it!" Daryl roared. He ran over and threw me over his shoulder. That was on my top 10 things I hate.

"Dixon put my ass down you freaking Jack ass!" I shouted at him, but our laughing stop at Rick's orders.

"Everyone down." He whispered. Dare put me down and we all crouched to the ground. Walkers began to pour out of the forest. "Get in Formation. No gunfire." 

Rick was the first to strike. He landed a machette into a walkers head. Everyone followed. I flung my Daggers, then got them. Oscar used a big hammer to bash the brains in. Daryl used his crossbow. Not gonna lie, it was a good team.

"There's too many of them." Dare told us as we started to back up. Walkers began to surround us.

"This way." Rick said. We followed him, killing Walkers in our path. As we got deeper into the woods, a cottage appeared. "Through there. Come on!"

We ran to the boarded up wooden house. Rick was in front and kicked the door down. I was last and shut and locked the door.

"Keep it down." Rick ordered. I was getting sick of the orders. They would good orders, but I don't like getting ordered get it right? A smell then hit our nose. It was this disgusting rotting smell, unlike the wakers.

"The smell, it's fowl." Daryl says. Him and rick go and adventure into the cabin. Me and Oscar follow.

"What the hell is that?" Oscar asks.

"It's got to be a fox or what's left of one." Daryl says as he approaches it.

"No way it is a fox, that shit don't smell that bad." I tell him. I walk over and see the dead dog on the ground.

"I guess Lassie went home." Daryl says, making me chuckle. A pounding of the door makes me jump. The walkers were pulling down the boarding to try and get in.

"Shit." I groan. Rick whistles and we all look. It is a giant lump under the blankets. We all get ready to pounce as Rick reaches for the covers. He yanks it and a man appears and screams.

"Who the hell are you?" He shouts at us.

"We don't mean any harm." Rick tells him quietly.

"Get outta my house!" He screams.

"Okay, Okay, Okay. We will, but we can't right now." Rick whispers, but the man continues to yell.


"Shut him up!" I snap, the walkers were getting closer. If he kept screaming we would surely be dead.

"Get out right now!" He yells.

"There are walkers outside." Rick whispers. The man looks at Daryl, then me then back at Rick. We all had weapons out.

"I'll call the cops!" He shouted. Cops?

"I am a cop." Rick tells him. "Now I need you to lower the gun. Don't do anything rash." Rick tells him as he lowers his weapons. "Everything is fine, let's just take this nice and slow, okay?Look at me."

The man cocks his rifle and aims at Rick's head. I take put my daggers, ready to strike.

"Show me your badge." He orders.

"All right, It's in my pocket. It's in my pocket. Now I'm gonna reach down nice and slow." Rick tells him calmly. The man looks at Ricks hand, so Rick charges and grabs the gun. It fires almost shooting Daryl. Rick puts him in a choke hold.

"Let go of me!" He shouts over and over again. He bites Rick and screams. "Help! They found me!"

He runs towards the door. HE was about to open it when I threw y dagger at his skull. He dropped to the ground and they all looked at me shocked.

"Not my first rodeo. Now who's gonna help me?" I told them. Oscar went to the back, making sure it was clear. Dare and Rick lifted up the corpse. "One...Two..three!" I open the door, they throw the body. I close it and lock it. 

We made our way out the back as they eat the dead man.

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