Chapter Twenty One: Little girl's heart

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My head pounded. I felt my eyelids be stuck together from dried sweat. Ringing echoed in my ears, making the headache worse. I opened my eyes with great difficulty. Once I opened them I examined my surroundings.

I was in a small room, concrete walls closed in, making it feel tighter and compressed. I was lying on a bunk, a thin mattress holding my weight. I move my arms, only to have a cold metal bracelet stop me. I look at them and mentally Groan.


I looked at the small door, and there were two silhouettes.

Rick and Hershel.

"You Know, I hate to tell ya. But I ain't into the kinky shit." I say to them, my throat was dry, like sand paper rubbing against the deprived muscle. Rick jump a little, and Hershel chuckled. Sheriff walked over and unlocked the cuffs.

"Sorry, it's precaution." Rick Explains. I nod and rub my sore wrists. I go to sit up, but a sharp pain stops me.

"Slowly darling, You got hurt pretty bad." Hershel says as he helps me slowly sit up.

"Don't sugar coat it, how bad?" I ask as I look up at the older man.

"Well, four broken ribs, large bruising, a concussion and cuts along the side of your left ribcage. Looks deliberate."

"That was me, It is how I keep count." I explain.

"Of What?" Rick asked.

"You really wanna know the awnser Sheriff?" I chuckle. He doesn't move a muscle. "How many people I have killed."

"There was a lot of marks..." Hershel trailed off.

"Lot of bad people.... Where are Michonne, Mason and Ava?" I ask.

"They are waiting in the main room for you... We haven't told Mason about Daryl yet." Rick tells me.

"So you were just waiting for my sorry ass to tell her?" No awnser. "Typical."

"I need to give you a warning before you tell her." Hershel says as he helps me stand. "She has Asperger's. And she is very attached to Daryl. She lost both her parents, and now looks up to him. Mason is gonna take this hard, I'm not sure she will come back from this."

"How so?"

"We lost people she was very close to. She witness someone she looked to as a guiding mother get cut open and die." Rick walked out of the room, and Hershel sighed. "Then we lost T-Dog, her close friend. We thought we lost Carol too, but luckily Daryl found her. Before he found her, Mason would not, drink. Carol is close with her."

"How does he fit into her life? She calls him Daddy, but that's all I know." I ask Hershel, not wanting to say his name.

"When they came on my farm, him and Mason were joined at the hip. She had a full blown panic attack, and it was Daryl who got her to calm down. Mason has always been near him. When we lost the farm, Mason got lost it the woods and I never seen Daryl get more frantic about a person. He even was smiling and playing in the snow with her during the winter."

"Really?" I ask bewildered. Only time I seen him like that, was with Ava.

"Yeah. Just understand that the little girl you tell that to, will cling to you because of how much she has lost." Hershel says. I sigh and look at my hands.

"I thought tellin' Ava would be hard." I chuckled slightly.

"You were close to Daryl?" Hershel asked. We began walking out of the cell to the main area.

"Very. He is my future brother in law." I tell him. He looked slightly shocked. "He is, was, my best friend and one of the people who gave a damn about Ava."

We entered the room and there was the brunette and blonde little girls playing with dolls. The woman with the short hair sat watching them as she held the infant in her arms.

"MIKAYLA!!!" Ava shouted and ran into me. I stumble back from the force of her hug. "I have been waiting for you to wake up! Are you okay?"

"I'm alright Ava." I tell her. I bend down to her level. "What have you and Mason been doing?" 

"She showed me her toys and we been playing with them!" Ava said, then looked at Mason. "Come on Mason, come see Mikayla!" 

Mason slowly made her way over to us. Her long brown hair covered her small innocent face. It broke my heart knowing I would hurt her.

"Hey Mason, Ava been good to you?" I ask her. Mason nods and gives me a smile.

"I showed her Ika and Sarah....Where is Daddy?" She asks me. I bite my lip and sigh.

"Mason, you know you have an uncle Merle, right?"

"Yeah, I made Daddy a picture of him and Merle so he could find him!" She said with a cheery smile.

"Well, we found him....and they left together." 

Her smile disappear, and I saw her eyes water. I opened my arms to her, and she ran into my chest crying. Ava did the same.

"Is he coming back?" Ava asked, while sobbing.

"I don't know sweetheart....I don't know..." I tell them. Mason cries harder in my arms.

"Why does everyone leave me?!" She sobbed. I rubbed her back and shushed her.

"WE won't leave you. You are family to us Mason. I promise." Mason sits back and looks up at me.

"Pinky Promise?"

"Pinky Promise."

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