Chapter Thirteen: "Making" Friends

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I felt like the world had stopped. I found him. I found the person who actually gave a damn about me. Two years of searching and I found him. Ava clung to his leg. Behind him was a little girl, she had brown hair and an innocent face. She couldn't be two years older then Ava. She gave us a big smile.

"Daryl?" Mr. Georgia called. "You know 'em?" Daryl brought back his tough face and his the tears he had shed.

"Yeah, these are my gurls. Mikayla and Ava." Daryl introduced. "Know 'em from before the world went to shit."

"Swear." The little girl giggled. Daryl gave her a small smile. He reached out for her and put her on his hip.

"This is Mason." Daryl tells me, then faces Mason. "You gonna say hi?"

"Hi." She said shyly. "Daddy talks about you a lot." I look at Daryl confused.

"Found her by herself, Kinda adopted her." Daryl says sheepily. 

I look at the girl and she gave me a smile. I could see how Daryl and Mason were connected, even by a glance. He felt comfortable with her. He isn't comfortable with most people, but Mason made him smile. That was a hard task alone.

"It's nice to meet you." I say softly. She gave me a toothy grin and giggled. It was a nice moment, until Mr. Georgia ruined it.

"You know where our people are." He said in a leader tone. I grasp Ava's hand and turn to him with a don't screw with me look.

"Where's Michonne?" I questioned. He looks at Daryl, who grabs his cross bow and looks up the hill.

We walked up the hill, Mr. Georgia and Carl followed with their hands on a gun. Beth opened a gate with a courtyard filled with bodies of dead walkers. We walked through dark hallways till we reached a barred door with a C painted above it. Daryl opened it and I looked around the area as I entered.

Pots and food sat on shelves with a makeshift stove in the corner. Benches had a worn out look and had some baby supplies on them. An older man with a long white beard and crutches sat on it holding a small infant in pink and white clothes. 

Next to him was a woman with short gray hair and her face was dirtier than the others. She was leaning against it, showing she was currently weak. Beth came over and took the infant in her arms. My eyes laid on a cage with Michi lying there.

"Michonne!" I said quickly. Her head popped ip and both me and Ava ran to the barred cell. Her sword was missing but her face showed she was her guard up.

"You know where our people are." Mr. Georgia growled. "Where are they?" He demanded. I stood up and got closer to him.

"Let her out." I growled back.

"Give us the location." He ordered.

"I don't take orders form you." I snapped. Mr. Georgia drew a gun and I grabbed one from one of my holsters. Both of us were staring down the barrel. Others drew and aimed at me. Ava began to whimper.

"Location." He demanded.

"Keys." I snapped back.

"Mik..." Daryl said to calm the situation, but it did nothing.

"Location. Now!"

"Let Her Out!"

"Enough!" The older man shouted. "Miss, please lower your weapon. Rick do the same." Rick stared at me for awhile, but lowered his gun and I did the same. "Now. Introduce yourselves and let her out."


"Rick just do it." The older man ordered. Rick groaned and used his hand to move down his face before putting it in front of me.

"Rick Grimes." He said. I look to Dare, who nods, then shook his hand.

"Mikayla Addams. This is my sister Ava and our friend Michonne." I say though my teeth. I let go of hi hand and put mine out. "Keys."

"She's unstable, can't let her out." Rick says.

"And you are?" The room becomes silent except for the gurgles of the little baby. I look at Beth, then the baby. "She a premie?"

"Don't know." She says softly.

"She yours?" Beth shakes her head and looks at Rick and Carl. I can put two and two together. Daryl puts his crossbow down and takes the infant in his arms. He gave the baby a warm smile. It reminded me of the day he met Ava. "How old?"

"Three days." The older man said.

"You got a doctor?" I asked. The older man nods and introduces himself.

"I am. I'm Hershel Greene, veterinarian."

"You check her out?" I ask, referring to the infant.

"She seems healthy. Born very red." Hershel says.

"Is she premature?" I ask again. No one awnsers.

"Check her out?" Dare asks me. I look at Michi, who nods. I open my arms to hold the baby, but Rick pulls out his gun again.

"Either shoot me or put it away." I growl. "I won't hurt her, may actually save her."

Rick held his guns tight but put it away. Dare places the infant in my arms. She was small but her color was good.

"Dare, get me a cloth I can put her on." I order. He nods and goes down the cell block. I turn to Hershel. "I'll show you what to check for." 

Dare comes out and places a small blanket on the bench. Rick watches my moves like a hawk. I lay the baby girl against the blanket and carefully remove the clothing. I scan her little pink body for any purple.

"Premies tend to have purple markings on their limbs and necks. It can indicate a blood blockage." I explain. I look under the infants leg and see the purple. I point it out to Hershel. "If not found in time, she can loose all movement in her leg."

"How do you get rid of it?" Hershel asks.

"Usually Doctors will go in with surgery, but there is an  easier way." I explain. I place my hand against the purple spot and rub it. "This breaks up the blockage. The purple should disappear in about three days."

"How did you know how to do that?" The short haired woman asked.

"Experience." I tell her. I was not telling them my whole life story. I give the baby to Hershel and turn to Rick. "I can show you where your people are but I have conditions to it."

"Alright, what would that be?" Rick question as he crossed his arms.

"One Michonne gets let out and given medical treatment, two my sister is safe here till I get back. Three, you follow me and don't give me orders." I tell him. He thinks about it then nods.


"Glad to have an agreement. We leave in an hour." I tell him. Dare lets Michi out and she tells me about the holding cell and the lock room in Woodbury.

"Be careful Mikayla. I mean it." She warns.

"Please, I am too good to get hurt." I chuckle.

Who knew I was very wrong.

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