Chapter Twelve: Found Ya

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I caught up with Them and helped her remove a bag from one of the trees. Michonne being Michonne, she didn't want any help even though she was hurt. We started to move when we heard walkers. I put Ava behind me and grabbed my Dagger. Michi stood in front ready to whip out her Katana. The four walkers came closer to us, but did not touch Michonne. Just came for us. I stabbed two in the head, while Michi got the others. We just stared at each other for a second.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked her. She looks down at her body, which still had Walker guts all over it.

"The smell, it works like a camouflage." She says. Her eyes flicker from us to the Dead walkers.

"Really?" I groan. 

"Ava, we gotta cover you in Walker blood okay? Don't let it get in your mouth. If you have a cut, show me it so I don't get it there okay?" Michi explains as she brings Ava over to one of the walkers. I take my blade and cut into the body of the fat one. I start painting myself in the blood and chunks of flesh. The smell was nauseating.

"Ava, you good?" I ask as I put more on. I look and she is cringing at every piece of her body. Michi laying it on thick, for good measure. The things going through that poor girls head.

"It is cold and yucky." Ava whimpers.

"Yeah, I know baby." Michi says softly. She wipes her hands off and looks at the both of us. "You look gross."

"Yeah so do you." I chuckle. I pick up one of the bags and start to move. Michi limps around, Ava holding her hand telling her stories. 

"There was this one time, Alex and Daryl were by the creek and, and, Mikayla and I pushed them into the water!" She says with excitement. "Then Alex and Daryl, they threw Mikayla in the water. She screamed saying it was so fu-"

"-nny cause it was." I cut Ava off. Michi chuckles at us. Michonne put our stuff down and takes a breather. 

"I'm gonna scout ahead, Stay out of trouble." Michi tells us.

"You sure? I can go for it." I suggest. She was hurt, and needed to rest.

"I got it. " She says with a smile, then leaves.


Sitting here for a half hour, made me nervous. Was she okay? Did Merle get her? Did Walkers?

"MICHI!!"I turn to see Ava running to her. She was carrying a basket.

"Jesus Michonne, I thought you would never come back." I breath out and hug her tight. I look at the basket and it was filled with formula. "Is there something you not telling me....."

"Merle got two people, said they had a camp back at the prison. They were carrying this." Michi explains while holding up the basket. "I can't let another baby die, Mik."

"Okay. Then lets go. You know which way?" I ask her. I understand completely. After Andre, her heart hurt and seeing another kid in this was amazing. If we had the chance to keep that alive. We should take it.

"Down the road." She said. I nodded and we picked up our bags, for an another long long long long long ass walk.


As we approached the prison, We watched the outside. It had people, and they seem good.

"You two go up in the trees, wait for the code." Michi orders. "I don't want you and Ava in the crossfire if it goes bad." 

"Okay. You good on your own?" I ask her.

"Yeah. Be safe." She tells me as she kisses my and Ava's foreheads. I help Ava in the tree then sit up there with her.

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