Chapter Ten: Warm bed over a friend

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After Calming Ava down, We got to convince Andrea to leave with us. As the music played, we carried our bags and weapons down the street, heading for the gate. It was also a test to see if they would let us leave. As we got closer to the door, I heard Merle calling after us.

"Hey, Hey, Hey, girls. Mikayla! Where y'all off to in such a hurry?" He asks.

"We leaving Mur-Mur!" Ava tells him. Merle gets up and starts coming closer. Michi pulls Andrea to keep moving.

"Hey, Come on, now." Merle says as he gets in front. "Come on. Het, Hey ,Hey. Y'all breaking my hear running away like that."

"Sorry Merle, we leavin." I said sternly. He gives us the shitty puppy dog eyes.

"It's almost curfew. I'd have to arrange an escort. I mean the party's still going on." Merle said giving us excuse not to leave.

"I can handle myself Merle. Let us out." I growl. 

"All right. Wait here a second." Merle says then walks away to talk to one of the guards. We look at Andrea, giving her the I told you look. She walks up to Merle, and begins to snap at him.

"The governor told us we were free to come and go whenever we liked." Merle turned to her and raise his hand slightly.

"Sweetheart, nothing personal here, but you're gonna have to step back." Merle tells her. I chuckle, knowing I'm right.

"No Fighting!" Ava yells at them.

"Ain't fightin sweetie, just let her know to back up a bit." Merle calls back. Andrea walks back to us.

"see?" Michi says to her. "There's always a reason why we can't leave yet."

"You owe me the next candy bar we find." I tell Andrea.

"Clear." One of the guards yells out. We turn to see Merle at the door.

"Now if I was y'all I'd fine some shelter before nightfall." Merle says as he opens the gate. Andrea sighs, and Michi looks pissed off.

"They knew we were coming. This was all for show." Michi tells her, but Andrea shakes her head.

"Do you hear yourself? The two of you? How can you know that? And why would they bother?" Andrea questions us.

"Ladies!" Merle calls saying to go out the gates.

"Close the gates." Andrea tells him.

"No!" The both of us say, making Andrea look at us with wide eyes.

"I practically begged The Governor to let you stay." Andrea says to Michi.

"I didn't ask for that."

"You didn't have to. That's what friends do for each other." Andrea counters. I pick up Ava and walk to Merle, givng our goodbyes. I was letting them battle it out.

"Bye Merle, I'll find Daryl and let him know where you are." I tell him as I hug his sweat body.

"Ya find him and my favorite blonde." He whispers back.

"Bye Mur-Mur. I want you to come with us." Ava tells him. He gets on one knee and kisses her forehead.

"I gotta stay here, be good for your sister." He tells her, then turns to the girls. I watch as Michi walks towards us but Andrea stays. I walk with Michi, Ava in between us.

"She chose them?" I ask her as we walk.


"She will slow us down anyways." I tell her with a wink. She chuckles. As the night begins to fall we set up a small camp. Ava passes out in Michi lap as she strokes her hair. I hand Michi some food and chew my granola bar slowly. We are low on food.

"We made the right choice." I tell her. "That place was poison and it's leader was just venom.

"What happened that night?" She asks me softly. I take a deep breath and look down as I speak.

"Poured me a drink, Whiskey my favorite. I..I chugged it and then I got really woozy. Really dizzy....And I couldn't move...He um....He..He." I couldn't. I started to sob. I felt warm soft arms wrap around me, and rock me back and forth. Michi shushed it my cries and stroked my hair.

"I am sorry Mik, I should ave been there." She whispered in my ear.

"He threatened to hurt Ava is I told you." I whimpered. "He....He...He started to k-k-k-i" I sobbed even hardder. I never got the chance to feel the suffering I had been going through. I just let it out. As she rocked and I sobbed, I began to fall asleep.

Crying myself to sleep.

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