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Okay I have never done this before, so bare with me. I am to write fifteen facts about myself. ReedusBxtch tagged me, so here I go.....

1) my actual name is Charlotte but everyone calls me Charlie.

2) I got into fanfic once I read Twist and Shout, which was my very first fanfic I had ever read, and began having Ideas of my own.


This is me, i am the one with a person on their back

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This is me, i am the one with a person on their back. This is my ugly mug next to my best friend.

4) I just graduated high school, and do nothing else but write and read stories on Wattpad.

5) I am a fucked up person....no question about it.

6) when I go to hell, I am prepared to see Mark Pellegrino as Lucifer

6) when I go to hell, I am prepared to see Mark Pellegrino as Lucifer

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6) I am seventeen, but turning 18 on June 20th

7) I suffer from bipolar disorder, Anxiety, depression, borderline personality disorder and nervous habits, such as clawing at my skin or picking at my body due to anxiety

8) I make fun of myself and horrible tragedies that have happened, Im that screwed up

9) I have two little sisters FanFictior 😉

10) my stories consume my life, in fact its all I think about

11) I am anti social but I like it

12) I am running out of shit..... My dog is my person. (Do you get the reference?)

13) I am a crappy writer, literally don't understand who you read my crap.

14) I have been two months clean from self harm

15) I have an unhealthy obsession with Marvel, I wrote my senior paper on marvel.....Bucky Barnes to be exact.

There you go!

I nominate......
thewalkingdead_norm cause I love their work
MeanVillan because they inspired me to create My fear, My silence
soulstealingginger cause hot damn that girl can write!!!

Will hopefully update soon and I hope I didn't depress you too much, consider all the crap in this story it shouldn't 😜


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