Chapter Nine: Pack up and get the hell out

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I sat on the bed, never wanting to move. My body felt infected. I felt his fingers all over me. His mouth on my neck. I used there shower and tried to scrub it all off. I ditched the clothes from that night. I  didn't want anything to do with it. Michi knew something was up, but has been giving me time to speak about it. Andrea is still flirting with that ass and trying to be with him. 

Haven't seen Merle either. He has been to our room, but Ava goes to him. I am not sure if he knows, but he was there. He put me back, and got me away from that asshole of a leader. Never again will I let him have that satisfaction of touchin me. The first chance I get, I will cut off his dick and kill him. Make him suffer. And I have no remorse for it. And he will be a walker. 

Michi walked in and was helping me pack. She seemed to be uneasy.

"What did you find?" I ask her.

"Bullet holes in their trucks, and fresh blood." Michi told me. So That asshole had murdered those guards, for free ammo and weapons. That is what we have become. I pack all the the stuff left out. Stuff Ava had used, stuff Andrea had unpacked to stay for awhile. Everything was placed into bags, except our weapons.

Andrea walked in and curled under the covers, and we laid out a map to make our next move.

"If we leave soon, we'll get a few hours on the road before dusk." Michi suggests.

"Where are we heading?" Andrea asks. She lied on the bed and stopped helping.

"I'm think the coast. We have the water completely on one side, maybe we will find a boat. Best thing we can do is find an Island." Michi says.

"Makes sense, Ava loves the water." I chuckle.

"And if the coast isn't safe?" Andrea asks. 

"Keep moving. No where is ever fully safe Drea." I tell her.

"Let's say the coast is safe. Then what do we do? Just grow old, live off the sea by ourselves? Have Ava grow up as a fishermen?" Andrea says, putting holes into our ideas.

"I'd rather take my chances out there than stay here. And I know Mikayla agrees with me." Michi tells her.

"Because your gut tells you there's something off about this place, about the Governor?"

"Yes." I snap, hearing his name makes me cringe.

"It has kept us alive this long." Michi points out.

"That's true." Andrea agrees. She looks at the maps then at us then back at the maps. She wanted to stay, and hell If I would. 

But just because it is us, We had to stay one more day.


The Governor was throwing a party, drinks and all. I stuck close to Michi and Ava held on to me. She is shy in big crowds. They had a bartender, chips out, ice. How were they getting all this power? We watched as Andrea drank her iced drink and chatted with Milton.

"We leaving today?" I ask her.

"Yes." She said. Her frown grew as Andrea continued to stay here. Michionne started to walk away, bumping into some assholes with beer. I followed her, Ava close to my side. "What happened that night with the Governor?"

My blood grew cold, my body start to vibrate with fear. I had his threats echoing in my ear. Before I could awnser, The Governor called us over for a giant speech.

"Hey, uh First Time we gathered, there was nine of us hold up in an apartment with Spam and saltine Crackers. Well, look at us now." He says with slight laughter. "We've built a place we can call home. May be held together with duct tap and string, but it works."

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