Chapter one: The Fallen

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"Mom stop it!" I yell as she heats up the heroin under the spoon. I snack it away from her. "You are 6 months pregnant! you can't do this!" She scoffs and walks away from me, only to light up a cigarette. I go to take it out of her mouth, but her right hook stops me and I fall to the ground.

"I am the mother, you listen to me!" She growled. I couldn't watch her do this. I grabbed my Jacket, bag and lighter and headed to the only place that made me feel safe. The creek. My cheek throbbed with pain but I ignored it. I lit a cigarette and sit on the log at the creek. It was so peaceful. Crickets echoed through the dark forest, frogs croaked around the edge. I felt calm here.

"Mikayla?" A southern voice calls. I turn around and there is my best friend.

"How did you know I was here?" I ask him as I take another drag of my cigarette.

"Alex called, told me what happened. She is pissed but worried about ya. Asked me to come find ya and bring ya home." He told me as he sat next to me. I sigh and put my elbows on my knees and let my head hang over my body.

"I can't stop her, she is pregnant with my little baby sister or brother and she won't stop usin'." I tell him. He rubs my back in comfort. I sit up and look at him. He had his flannel on with the sleeves ripped off as usual. His hair was short and dirty, as well as his body. He had a stubble of a beard, and I knew he would never get rid of it, Alex likes it too much. He squints and gets closer to my face. He brushes his calloused finger tips against where she hit me.

"What happened?" He growled. He has always been over  protective  of me, but especially Alex.

"What do you think?" I chuckle, but my face falls as I try to look okay. "Man, I can't stay there anymore."

"Come stay with us then." He tells me. I look at him confused.


"You and Alex come live with us." He says with a smirk.

"You sure Big Bad Brother gonna be okay with it?" I say with a grin. I gave that nickname to his brother when I first started hanging out with them. It has stuck ever since.

"Yea, he likes ya. Plus Alex is ma gurl, he can't say no." I see him smile when he says Alex's name. He loved her.

"You gonna pop the question?" I ask him. "You have been together for what 2 years now?" He sighs.

"Ya think she would say yes?"He asks, with concern flooding his throat. I hit him playfully on his arm, which didn't do much due to his muscles.

"Yes stupid. She loves you so much." I chuckle. Silences falls again, and the crickets sing once more. "We can't leave, not yet. We got to take the baby with us." I tell him. He nods in agreement. "Who knows, maybe you and Alex can raise them as your own." I joke, his eyes fill with fear.


"Dude, I'm joking." I tell him. He body relaxes a little and I rest my head on his shoulder. "You know it is weird, the fact you are my best friend and you are like 10 years older then me." He shrugs, he never says much.

"Come on, Alex is worried sick about ya, lets get you home."

"That ain't my home." I tell him as I get up.

"Ya right. But soon you will be home."

I wake up as someone is pushing my body, I pray it is him or Alex. I open my eyes and it is the next best thing. Ava. Her eyes were filled with concern.

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