Chapter Twenty Six: Psychopath with a need for Revenge

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Me and Michi were in the main area doing push ups, Carol was making food....I think. then Merle came over an sat down in front of Michi. Ava was at the same table but coloring in one of the books we found for her.

This was not going to go well.

Michi jumped on her feet, then sat back to Balance on her ass and push her legs in and out for sit ups.

"Smart to stay fit." Merle said to her. "Don't leave out the Cardio."

I laid down on the ground, giving up in my exercise. I was too damn tired and it hurt like a bitch with my ribs.

"You know, if we're gonna live under the same roof, we should clear the air." Merle says to both of us. "This whole hunting you down thing, that was just business. Carrying out orders."

"Hmm. Like the Gestapo." Michi said.

"Yeah, Exactly." Merle responded.

"Do you know what the Gestapo are?" I asked him. 

"Of course I do, know shut up." He snapped playfully. He then turned his attention to Michonne. "I've one a lot of things I ain't proud of. Before and After. You know that Mikayla."

"Yeah..." I sighed, think of all the shit we went through.

"Anyway, hope we can get past it. Let Bygones, be Bygones." Merle says as he gets up and begins to walk away.Michi sits up entirely and just stares.

"You believe him?" Carol asked us.

"He screwed up, he trying now. Don't mean I ain't still pissed at him." I explain. Michi just stares. All of a sudden, Carl comes in yelling.

"ANDREA HERE!!" He shouts. "She at the gate!"

All of us book it. I grab a rifle and follow everybody. Rick leads, with the Dixons right behind them. Then it was me, Michi and Beth. I watched as Andrea makes her way up here, with a walker on a holder in front of her. No teeth or arms, just like my old walker boys.

"Go." Rick says, and Merle makes the first move. He runs to the other car and quickly scopes it out.

"Clear!" Merle shouts. Me, Daryl and Rick run to the gate, Merle tagging behind.

"Are you alone?" Rick growls at her.

"Open the gate!" She says back.

"Are you alone!?" Rick shouts.

"Rick!" She says, her voice cracking with desperation. Rick tosses Daryl the keys to open the gate. It opens and she runs in, throwing the walker away.

"Hands up! Turn Around!" Rick ordered as soon as she got in. She looked at him flustered. "Turn around now!" He growled as he shoved her against the fence. 

Andrea gasped in shock as Rick patted her down. I looked and saw Michi looking at her, with soft eyes. It broke her seeing Andrea do this. Suddenly a walker jumped where her face was, making her scream.

"Get down on the floor." Rick growled as he threw her from the fence to on her knees. He searched her bag and frisked her again, just to make sure. "I asked if you were alone."

"I am." She said out of breath. Rick then ripped of her bag and threw it. Her arms were in the air as everyone started to lower their weapons.

"Welcome back." Rick said to  her then grabbed her arm. "Get up."

Rick lead her into the cell block as we all followed them. Her body froze as she saw the set up. Carol came in and look at Andrea in shock. Andrea walked into Carol's arms and gave her a tight hug. Everyone put their weapons down for the most part. Little feet echoed in the hallway.

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