Chapter Nineteen: Walkin Away

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We all stood next to the car. Arguing over god damn Merle.

"It won't work." Rick says.

"It's gotta." Daryl counters.

"It will stir things up."

"Like shit hasn't already?" I point out. They just ignore me.

"The governor is probably on the way to the prison right now. Merle knows how he thinks we could use the muscle." Daryl argues. 

"I'm not having him in the prison." The girl argued.

"He put a gun on us." Glenn snapped.

"Like you haven't had it before?" I questioned.

"You really want him sleeping in the same cell block as Carol, Beth, Mason?" Glenn asked.

"He is not a rapist!" I shouted at him.

"But his buddy is." Glenn said. I began to cower slightly, memories of that night hitting me like a truck.

"They ain't buddies no more, not after last night." Daryl defend

"There is no way Merle is gonna live there  without puttin everybody at each other's throats." Rick says. I see the fire getting bigger inside of Daryl.

"So you gonna let Merle loose and let Samari in?" Daryl snapped.

"Hey, she done a lot to keep me and Ava alive." I snap.

"I' not lettin' them stay, still questioning whether I should let you stay." Rick says to me.

"This is bullshit! I helped you out, Daryl back me up!"

"At least let me dad patch them up." The Girl said. "I have no clue how you are standing right now."

"Because I have something to protect, and you all are being little shits right now." I growl.

"Merle...Merle's blood." Daryl said.

"No, Merle is your blood." Glenn said, then pointed in the direction of the prison. "My blood, my family is standing right here and waiting for us back in the prison."

"And you're part of that family." Rick says to Daryl. "He's not."

"Hold the hell up!" I shout. I stand in the middle of our little circle thing. "You are tellin me. After cuffin' him to a roof, leavin him there, and finally finding his family that he can't stay."

No one awnsered.

" Who the hell are you to say that shit?" I look at Rick. "What if this was your wife?"

Everyone got silent.

"I may look  like a dumb redneck but I'm not. You twist your wedding band a lot, nervously. The infant is yours and the mom ain't around, so I have a feeling she has past right?"

"Mik..." Daryl says softly but I keep going.

"Now, You barley touch that baby. So I'm guessing there is a high chance it ain't yours. So you probably pushed her away right?"

I could see Rick fuming, but I was too pissed off to stop.

"So she dead, and now you feel guilty. Tell me. If your unfaithful wife was in Merle's spot...Would you leave her here or would you bring her with you?"

"Mikayla." Dare warned.

"You would bring her, cause she blood and you lover her. You wouldn't give a shit of anyone else's opinions! Now how the hell is this different!" I shout. I began to cough and spit out blood. Got damn it.

Silence echoed the forest, except for the crickets. They were all shocked at me.

"Fine, We will fend for ourselves."  Daryl says.

"That's not what I was saying." Glenn said calmly.

"No him, No me." Dare said sternly.

"Daryl, you don't have to do that." The girl said.

"It was always Merle and I before this." Dare said. "The girls jumped in little later."

"You serious, you just gonna leave like that?" Glenn says shocked.

"You would do the same thing."

"Well what do you want us to tell Carol...Mason?" Glenn asks.

"She will understand. And Mason got Mik and Ava." Dare states.

"What?" I ask him confused. "We are comin' with you."

"No, you gonna stay with them." Dare states.

"No, will go to the prison, get Ava and Mason and Michi. Then we go." I tell him. He shakes his head.

"You gotta stay safe Mik." He kiss the top of my head and walks away. I stand there in shock as Rick runs up to Dare.

"Hey, Hey there's gotta be another way." Rick says, making him stop.

"Don't ask me to leave 'im. Already did that once." Dare says then begins to walk again. Him and Rick go to the car, and Dare grabs his stuff. I still stand there in shock. I watch him walk into the woods, and my feet being to move.


My face begins to melt with salty tears and dried blood. He looks at me with pity.

"I JUST FOUND YOUR SORRY ASS!" I scream at him. My lungs begin to burn as I yell and cough. "WHAT ABOUT AVA! ABOUT MASON! ABOUT ALEX!"

That made him stop. He looked at me and his face became hard.

"She is dead. That ain't my fault, it's yours." Then walks away with Merle.

I freeze. My best friend told me the love of his life, my sister, is dead because of me....and he is right. My head began to pound, my shirt was sticky.

The last I remember is The girl hold pressure to my side and her hands being red.

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