Chapter Fifteen: Rescue

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No one really spoke after the whole, I killed someone thing. It was not my first time, and it won't be the last. I had cuts on my ribs for every person. So I would never forget. I had about Eighteen cuts. Soon to be Nineteen now. I don't regret it. It was to keep my loved ones safe. But when I kill the Governor, He won't get a cut. He will be cut.

It was night time, and I began leading them through the placed train cars and regular cars. We stopped once I got view of the gate. Cheering and drums played loudly from behind the walls. There were guards up there with bows, assault rifles and sharp knives. The usual.

But as I love Dare, I had to move. I just went to find another route. I could here them cursing me out as I found a way. It was a different route, through one off the buildings. I headed back for the boys and stepped on a twig. The three of them turn and aim their guns at me.

"Would you stop pointing those things and get moving." I groaned. They looked at each other, and Dare was the first to move. I lead them to the open area and we began to crawl. We entered into the supply room. I led the way carefully, with Rick right on my ass. We got in and stayed as quiet as possible. I looked around the room to see tables and chairs with white brick walls. This was the place.

"This is where Michionne was held?" Rick asked.

"Questioned." I correct him.

"Any Idea where else they could be?" Oscar Asked.

"You said they had a girl right?" I asked. They all looked at me, wide eyed. "She may be in one spot, but I doubt it. Not if they had her man with her." Dare looked out the windows as well as Rick.

"Thought there was a curfew." Dare stated.

"The streets are loaded, those are just a few stragglers." I explain.

"If anyone comes in here, we're sitting ducks." Rick said. "We gotta move."

"They could be in his apartment..." I said as the chills went up my spine for speaking those words.

"Yeah? What if they ain't?" Daryl spat. The hell did I do?

"Then we'll look somewhere else." Why the hell they ganging up on me?

"You said you could help us." Rick growled.

"I said I get you to the place your people were. I'm doing what I can."

"Then where the hell are they?" Oscar growled. Rick called them over from behind me. To have a meeting I guess. I bet 5 cigarettes that it was about cuttin me loose. All our heads snapped up when there was a knock on the door. I heard the lock and we all hid. A man in a baseball cap and a vest flannel shirt.

"I know you're in here." He called out. They gonna think this was me. Shit. "I saw you moving from outside." He began to walk down the room. "All Right , now. You're not supposed to be in here and you know it. Who's in here?"

Rick then lunges at him, slamming him against the wall with a gun to his head.

"Shut up. Get on your knees." He ordered.

"Nows not the time for a blow job Rick." I joke. I got glares instead of laughs. "Tough crowd."

"Hands behind your back." Rick ordered him, then looked at Daryl. "Zip tie him. Where are our people?"

"I don't know. I don't know." He stuttered as Daryl zip tied him. Rick grabbed him forcefully.

"You are holding some of our people. Where the hell are they!" Rick growled.

"I don't know." He stated again. He was sweating faster then a track runner.

"Open your mouth." Rick ordered.

"Dude, find someone else for a blow job." I chuckle. Daryl smacks me up side the head as Rick stuffs the man's mouth with a rag. I rubbed my head in pain, but kicked the guy in the head so hard he was out like a light. Oscar dragged his body way. Then we herd gun fire.

Rick opened the door and we made our way over to the shots fired. Once we found the building, Rick lead us down a hallway and pushed to door slightly. He made us wait for a moment, then we entered the giant room, clinging to the wall. Dare and Rick threw the flash bangs. As Dare covered us. We ran in. Rick grabbed the girl, and I grabbed the shirtless guy with a bag on his head.

We quickly ran out as they fired at us. I got the bag off his head and helped him walk. It was clear he couldn't on his own. We scurried across the street and Rick lead them into a house. Once the all got inside, I closed the door.

"I'm sorry Daryl. I gotta do this." I whisper then make my way to a certain place.

For a certain someone.

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