Chapter Eight: Touch

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I don't trust people. They get you killed, or find your weaknesses to get you killed. That's how I see people. I trust very few people. 





That was it. I don't trust Andrea anymore. I don't know if I can trust Merle. But for sure, I don't trust the Governor. He came in with his boys. They all had Military trucks and weapons. They drove down the street and people crowed around. First person out was Merle. Ava wanted to go run to him but I stopped her. He was marching over to do things. He went to speak with Milton and The gov. I saw Andrea run over with excitement.

Merle then walked over to us and Ava ran to him. He picked her up and The gov stood on a truck to make his speech. Michi was sitting at a table unimpressed.

"We brought in five new people in yesterday." He starts. "One was a helicopter pilot with a national guard outfit. Even though he's clinging to life, he told us about his convoy on the highway, his men." He stops and looks heartbroken, but I can see through the act.

"I promised I'd bring them back here alive, but they didn't have our walls or our fences. Biters got there before we did. Now the men had trucks, the trucks had weapons, food, medicine, things we need. Now we didn't know them, but we'll honor their sacrifice." 

"By not taking what we have here fro granted. Won't be long before dark, so go on home. Be thankful for what you have. Watch out for each other." The speech ends and people disperse. Merle gives me Ava, and walks with the governor. I head over to Michi and sit next to me.

"I don't know about you..." I say and she looks at me. "I smell utter bullshit."

"Glad we are on the same page." Michi says with a smile. I see Andrea flirting with The Governor and it makes me sick. I could tell Michi saw it too. "Let's head back to the room."


Ava and Michi were playing with something and Andrea was passed out. A knock comes on the door and opens. It was Merle. Ava didn't run to him this time. She just said hi.

"Hey, girls. Mickey mouse, Governor wants to see ya." I look at Michi and nod at her, letting her know I will be okay. We head over and walk up the stairs to the apartment. Merle leaves and I open the door. There sat the governor with a drink in his hand.

"I'm glad you could make it." He said with a smile.

"Didn't have much of a choice." I say back and sit in the only chair around. It was next to him.

"You drink?" He asks. I am hesitant but man do I miss that taste.

"Whiskey." He starts to chuckle.

"Hard drink for a girl like you." He says as he gets up to get my drink.

"I could drink you under a table, don't start treating me like a little girl." I growl. He puts his hands up defensively.

"I apologize, didn't mean to insult you."He says and hands me my drink. I drink all of it in one gulp and put it down on the table. I sit back and let the burning in my throat mellow into a warm sensation. "I see you can handle your liquor."

"Been drinking since I was a kid." I start to get a headache. "Why am I here?"

"You remind me of someone." He says as he puts his glass down.

"Yeah....who?" I slur, my body feels numb.

"My wife, Maria. She was a firecracker like you." MY body starts to become jello and I then realize what just happened. He roofied me. "Her hair was like yours, brown and blonde. So damn soft." He starts stroking my hair, and I can't do anything. He lifts me up and bring me to the bedroom. I can't move, but I can cry.





Knowing no matter what this was happening, and I was too damn weak to stop it. 


Third Person POV

Merle switches with Marteniz on watch. Before he heads to his place, he stops to see his girls. He missed Mikayla and Ava so much. Those girls were his family, and treated him like a person. They cared about him, and made him become better. Though he was always hitting on Alex, making Daryl crazy, the two became close and it was all because of Mikayla.

As he came to the door, he tried to be quiet. The door creaked as it opened. He saw Ava and Andrea asleep, But Michonne was wide awake. Merle looked around the room for his Seventeen year old friend.

"Mickey mouse back yet?" Merle asked Michonne. He didn't like her, but he gave her some respect for keeping the girls alive.

"No." Michonne says coldly. She did not like him. She didn't trust him or his governor. Merle closes the door and heads to the governor's apartment. He knocked on the door and waited. The governor awnsered and he was sweating.

"What can I do for ya Merle?" He asks slightly annoyed.

"Girls been asking for Mikayla." He lied. "She still here?"

"Yeah, she is asleep. Let me get her for ya." He left then returned a passed out Mikayla. Merle took her in to his arms. Merle noticed the tears from her eyes and the fact her pants were unbuttoned. Mik had higher class than that. It made Merle so angry, but he had to stay here to stay alive and find his baby brother. 

He brought Mikayla into the girls room, and place her next to Ava. He kissed her forehead left. 

Mikayla felt the drugs wearing off but the words echoed in her mind, keeping her quiet.

Listen my Maria, you tell anyone about this. then I will have to punish you and your little Ava.

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