Chapter Twenty: Memories that Last forever

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This whole chapter is a flashback that Mikayla sees while she is unconscious. It also shows more of the connection her and Daryl have with each other. Plus if you read My Fear, My will smile.


Today is my 15th Birthday.

Ava is almost two.

Merle and Dare are working harder than ever.

Alex is going to night classes and working extra shifts at the diner.

But none of that matters. It doesn't matter at all, not anymore.

We all were laughing and drinking around the small table. Alex brought home some food from the Diner. Ava was on Merle's lap and kept thinking ketchup was something you rub on your skin, or Merle's. Daryl had an arm around Alex's shoulders as she leaned against him with a smile. I sat and watched my family, how weird and chaotic it was.

"Alright, raise ya beer." Dare announced. We all did, even Ava with her little juice. Dare looked at me and smiled. "Tomorrow is Mikayla's Birthday. Glad we are all here together, love you girl."

"Aww DareBear gettin' all mushy on me." I chuckle. We all laugh and drink our beers.

"So Mik, What you thinking for tomorrow?" Alex asked.

"What do you mean?" I said confused.

"For ya birthday Mickey Mouse." Merle said. I bit my lip and look at my hands.

"I-" A banging on the door cut me off. "I'll get it." 

I walk across the worn out wooden floor to the Darken Door. I turn the cold knob and open the door. There were two men. One was in a tight suit, it was black and a red tie stuck out. His pocket had a folded light red cloth Napkin and a few pens that had exact amount of space between each one. His face was sweating from the Georgia heat. His black square framed glasses made the green in his eyes pop out. 

The other man had a uniform on. The dark brown pants were tight, with a black belt holding a gun, taser, handcuffs and a walkie. His tan top had fast food stains tat had faded. His brown tie covered the missing buttons on his shirt. His hair was messy and frizzy. His eyes towered over you as their dark green shades fill you with fear.

"I'm looking for Mikayla Addams." The man in the suit said.

"I'm her. How can I help you?" I tell him as I cross my arms. He pulls out a white letter from his black suit.

"I am here to collect Mikayla and Ava Addams, for the returned custody to Lillian Addams." He stated. 
My heart stopped.

My Mother wanted us back.

"No. I won't let you!" I growl.

"Everything good Mik?" I hear Dare ask from the couch.

"I'm sorry ma'm but she is your mother and has custody over you. If not, I will have this gentleman arrest the adults inside for kidnapping of a child." He stated.

"What is going on here?" Alex asked as she placed a hand on my shoulder. Dare was right next to her, with Merle holding Ava on his hip.

"They wanna take me and Ava to Mom." I tell them. Alex's grip on my shoulder tightens.

"I am their sister, they live with me." Alex explains.

"I'm sorry Miss, but you do not have legal guardian ship of them. Which makes you technically kidnapping these two children." Glasses tells her.

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