Chapter Eleven: He Knew

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I woke up to Ava snuggling next to me, and Michi hacking at some Walkers. I get up and she starts spreading the pieces out.

"What are you doing?" I chuckle.

"Giving them a message." She tells me as she places into the torso.


"His Goons." I step back and nod. I was impressed. She used the arms to create a G, then the legs as and O. Then the torso was placed to expose the Back as well Back. "Get Ava and the stuff ready. We are going to go tree hopping."

"Got it." She ment that we would have to Ava in a tree to keep her safe. I go over to Ava and shake her slightly to wake up. "We gotta go climbing Ava. You think you can sleep up there?"

"Yeah." She says groggily. I lifter her up and put her in a tree about two feet away from the hot spot. I situate her, then place the bags around her so she don't fall. Rope was key with this. After she was all set up, I stood behind a tree and watched.

Twigs and branches began to break, and Merle appears out of the woods. He has three men with him. Two seemed like they knew what they were doing, while the other, the other was too scared.

"What the hell is this mess?" Merle says, looking at our message.

"They did this." Skinny mustache said.

"It means something, the way it's all set up like that." Merle said. He could be smart sometimes.

"The Governor was right to send us out." Skinny Mustache stated.

"Damn straight, Tim." Merle said while crouching down at our message. "We're doing a righteous public service here."

"Go Back." The scared kid croaked.

"What?" Tim asked.

"The arms are a G, The legs make an O. And that's a back. It says "Go Back." "The Scared kid explained. At least one of them has a brain. Merle starts laughing his ass off.

"This is too good." Merle laughs. "Mikayla, she one craft son of a bitch! Look at this. They sent us a biter-gram, ya'll." I rolled my eyes at his stupidity.

"I don't believe this is happening." Scared Guy states. Merle then gets pissed off.

"Hey, Hey! You knock it off." He growled while grabbing the guy. "What the hell's wrong with you? Now the Governor chose you 'cause he thought you were ready. I want you to succeed. I do. But if you keep announcing to the world that you're pissing your pants, I'm gonna have to smash your teeth in." The Guy calmed down and Merle patted him on the shoulder. "Now How do you say your last name?"

"Gargulio." He told him. Merle had trouble enough saying Mikayla, the hell he gonna get that down.

"Well, I'm gonna keep calling you Neil." Merle says. I laugh a little too loud and Michi moves, making them put up there guard.

"What's the Deal Michonne? Hmm?" Merle yelled out. "You gonna leap out of the woods, one against four, all of us armed to the teeth and you with just your little pig-sticker? And You got Ava and Mikayla. They ain't gonna touch me. I have orders to bring back his little Maria!"

My heart stopped. Merle knew...and he didn't do anything about it? Then I had to move.

Michonne jumped out of the tree and sliced the bandana man's head off. I jumped out and Threw a dagger into Tim's head and She stabbed him, making blood spill all over Neil. Merle shot and Michi used Tim's body as a shield, then grabbed my dagger and left. He kept shooting and hit her in the leg. I ran to grab Ava.

Nothing's gonna harm you, 

not while I'm around

Nothing's gonna harm you, 

no sir, not while I'm around

I sang to her quickly and quietly. The bags dropped then Ava climbed down. I placed her on my back, and grabbed the bags. I ran as fast as possible to catch up with Michi. Once I caught up to her, I saw her leaning against the tree. Her hand hovered over the wound. It was just a graze, but it was deep.

"Michi?" I whisper, just incase Merle was closer than expected. 

"I'm okay." She whispered back. "You?"

"He Knew...." I mumbled, but her eyes softened when she heard. Then we heard the twigs again. I had Ava climb the tree, but I left the bags down. Michi went behind them, and I followed. We were closer than ever, when a twig snapped. Merle turned around and shoved the kid out of the way, but she sliced his chest. Merle took out and other blade to go against her. I head butted him, making him  and Michi fall. He looked at me and was breathing heavy.

"Mik, think about what you are doing...." He huffed.

"You Knew!" I growled. Before I could do anything, Walkers came. I grabbed both daggers. Michi backed up as a Walker was about to fall on top of her. She cut it, and the stomach poured all over her. I stabbed it in the head and shoved the Walker to the side, helping her up. Merle and his friend dealt with the other two. We both moved quickly to be unseen.

"You rose to the occasion, kid. When we get back, I'm gonna get you a beer." Merle said. His nose was pouring out blood.

"Come on, they can't have made it that far." Neil protested.

"No,no, no, no. We're Done. We're gonna grab a car, haul ass home. It's been a good day's work."

"But they-- they killed Tim and Crowley." He shouted.

"Yep, but we messed them up pretty bad. Anyway, they are headed straight to the red zone.They are as good as dead." I heard the sorrow in his voice towards the end. But my fire was still strong.

"What do we tell the Governor? He wanted That Mikayla girl brought back." Neil asked.

"What the hell you think we tell him? Tell him we killed Michonne and The other two got caught by walkers. Like I said man, they are as good as dead." Merle Snapped.

"I'm gonna keep going." Neil stated. He must be getting an adrenaline rush.

"She ain't right in the head. Both of them." Merle growled. "They gonna die. Ain't worth our time. Definitely ain't worth our blood. Now lets go."

"This is some serious shit. That's what you said." Neil snapped as Merle began to walk away. "I'm not gonna lie to the Governor about it." Merle rolled his eyes and started acting.

"You're right." Merle said as he turned to him. "Can't cut corners on this one. You've come along pretty Quick there, kid."

"Take Ava and go. I have to take care of this." I whisper to Michi. She takes the bags and Ava and leave.

"How do you say your name again?" Merle asked.


"Gargulio." Merle repeats. Neil nods. "Hear that bird?" Then Merle shoots him in the head. Liability. I come out of the shadows. Merle looks at me surprised. I had one dagger out. It was all I needed right now.

"You gonna shoot me to Merle?" I ask. " Drag my ass back to Woodbury?"


"Don't." I growl. "You Knew. You knew what he did and you didn't stop him."

"I couldn't. I found out after." Merle says, trying to defend himself.

"And you still didn't so anything about it!" I shout at him as I get closer, tears fall down my face.  "I thought we were family Merle. Hell I grew up in that shack! I taught Ava how to walk there. But You choose him over me. Over Ava. Over Daryl."

"Mik, lis-" I threw my dagger into his shoulder, making him cry out in pain.

"I trusted you Merle." I yank out my dagger. "Come after us, and It won't be your shoulder."

I leave him there and go find Ava and Michi. There are sitting at a tree. I pick up the bags and grab Ava's hand. 

As we continue on our fight to survive.

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