Chapter Eighteen: Rescue and Argue

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The Governor circled the Dixon Boys. Dare was still tied up, and his vest was falling off. The crowed continued to scream for them to die.I saw Andrea fight Milton, to try and do something.


She gets through and calls out to him.

"Phillip!" She goes to him, only to have Martinez stop her, and some other dude hold her back.

"Stay out of this."

"He's my friend!"She protested.

"It's not up to me anymore." The Governor to Andrea. "The people have spoken."

"What?" She said shocked.

"I asked you where your loyalties lie." He says to Merle. They unbound Daryl, and he fixes his vest. "You said here. Well prove it. Prove it to us all. Brother against Brother. Winner goes free. Fight to the Death!"

My Heart stops. Daryl couldn't kill Merle, he has too big of a heart. Merle on the other hand (Get it other hand...) I wasn't sure about.

"No!" I shout out with what little strength I have. "Leave them alone!" Martinez comes over and kicks.

"Cállate estúpida puta." He spits at me.

"Phillip, Please. Don't do this." Andrea begs. Merle turns to Dare and takes a deep breath.

"Y'all Know me." Merle shouts. Oh No. "I'm gonna do whatever I got to do to prove..." He punches Daryl in the gut, making him fall over.

"DARYL! MERLE STOP IT!" I scream. Martinez hits me again to shut me up.

"...That my loyalty is to this town!" Merle knees Dare in the face, making him roll over. He continues to punch him, over and over again. I cry with every punch. I hear growling, and see them coming out with Walkers on sticks. 

Dare then lands a nice hook to the face, making Merle shout in pain. Then Walkers being to surround them. I saw Merle off guard when Dare hit him. Daryl lunges at him, but Merle grabs him and throws him to the ground.Merle starts to choke him.

"MERLE STOP!" I shriek. Martinez kicks me in the side over and over again.

Then the boys get up, and go back to back. They were working together to get out. Merle uses his Iron arm to help get rid of the walkers. Daryl punches them and shoves them back into the holders. Then out of nowhere, The Walker gets shot in the head, followed by more shots. A smoke bomb goes off, and people scream and scatter.

"Mikayla!" I hear Daryl yell. 

"DARE!" I shout with a horse throat. I see a walker start to come at me. I try to back away, but I'm not fast enough. Before he got a bite in me, An arrow goes through it skull. I grab the Arrow and look up and see Daryl through the smoke.

"Lets Go!" He shouts. He helps me up and we run towards the light. It was Rick and the other girl we saved.

"Daryl, Mikayla! Lets Go! GO!" Rick said and we all ran.


We finally got back to the car, and I see the Asian there. He looked pretty beat up. He was sitting on the grassy road in a light blue sweater.

"Glenn!" Rick called out.

"Rick! Oh thank god!" He said as he limped over to us. Daryl was helping me walk, he had an arm around my waist and My arm around his shoulders.

"Now we got a problem. I need you to back up." Rick said, but Glenn already pulled a gun out.

"What the hell is he doing here?" He snapped and aimed it. I got out of Daryl's grip and pointed my gun at Glenn.

"Hey, Put it down!" Rick shouted at me and aimed his gun. The girl was trying to calm Glenn down, and Dare was blocking Merle.

"Stop pointing that thing at me or shoot! Tell him to lower his!" I shout.

"PUT IT DOWN!" Rick ordered.

"He helped us get out of there!" Daryl told Glenn.

"Yeah, right after he beat the shit out of you!" Rick snapped.

"Hey, we both took our licks, man." Merle said as he pressed against the tree.

"Jackass." Daryl said to him. Just like old times.

"Hey shut up!" Merle said back. Really just like old times.

"Enough!" Rick Shouted, making silence fill the air. I clock my gun and still have it aimed at Glenn's head.

"Put  that down now!" He shouted at me.

"Tell him to put it down!" I shout at him.

"Get that thing out of my face!" Daryl shouted at Glenn. Merle starts to laugh.

"Man, Looks like you've gone native, brother." Merle said. I rolled my eyes. Dare got up into Merle's face.

"No More than you hanging out with that psycho back there." Daryl points out.

"Oh yeah, man. He is a charmer, I got to tell you that.Been putting wood into your girl Andrea. Big time baby." He says to me. I get angrier with each word.

"What?" Glenn says. "Andrea's in Woodbury?"

"Right next to the Governor." Daryl tells him. Rick then looks at me, I still have a gun on Glenn.

"I told you to drop that!" He snaps. "You know Andrea?"

"Yep, she does!" Merle chimes in. "Her, Ava and Miss Nubian Queen spent all winter cuddling up in the forest. Mmmm yeah." I drop my aim and send a dagger right next to Merle's ear, nicking him him slightly.

"We need a repeat of last time." I snap.

"My Gurl here had two pet Walkers. No arms, cut off the jaws, kept them in chains. Kind of Ironic now that I think about it." Merle said.

"Shut up, Bro!" Daryl growls.

"Hey man, we snagged them out of the woods. Andrea was close to dying." Merle explained.

"Is that why she's with him?" The girl asked.

"Yeah. Snug as two little bugs. So what you gonna do now, Sheriff, huh?" Merle said to Rick. "Surrounded by a bunch of Liars, Thugs, Cowards and basket cases!"

"Shut up."Rick snaps.

"Oh man, look at this. Pathetic. All these guns and no bullets in them."

"Merle, Shut up!" Daryl shouted, trying to keep the peace.

"Shut up yourself!" He snaps. I roll my eyes and walk over to Merle. "Bunch of Pussies you Roll-" I cut him off with my knuckles to his face. They look at me slightly shocked.

"Trust me he deserved it. He knows he deserved it." I tell them I I wince from the pain in my hand.

It is nothing like the movies man.

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